Find Good in Evil

Everything possesses good things.

Life Stories
Vital Insights
4 min readApr 19, 2024


Photo by MARK ADRIANE on Unsplash

"Discover the silver lining in every cloud. Even in the darkest of actions, some good can always be found. It's all about perspective. Keep an open mind and you'll be amazed at the positive qualities in everything."

Everything, every place, everybody, and everyone has something good in it. Even if someone is evil enough to be called the evilest he will also possess some good qualities.

I know many people with bad reputations who are helpful in certain circumstances. I know many good people with bad intentions.

So it cannot be said that someone or something is fully bad or fully right.

It is said that villains are not born they are made. People do evil things because they face someone evil or people do un just with them in the past.

Things are not bad at all their use made them bad or good. For example, Mobile phones and the internet make many people commit crimes but on the other hand, they help people get better in life, get important information, and learn new things.

In the same way, people are good with some other people and bad with others. So, don’t make the picture of someone in your mind just by encountering them in one bad circumstance. Maybe he/she has no other choice at that time or they misguided against you.

Another famous quote I want to mention here is that

We all are bad in someone’s dictionary.

In the meanwhile, we all are good too in someone’s dictionary. So, just find people who are good to you and avoid those who are not but don’t try to harm them and make you righteous in your own eyes.

We are just trying to find the mistakes of others. We need to find the good deeds in others, we need to appreciate them and encourage them to continue only good deeds in the future.

We need to practice mindfulness instead of complaining. We need to make friends with the same vibes. We might encounter someone with different thoughts. You both may be right in a certain way but people make grievances against others in their hearts. We need to avoid these grievances and allow them to follow their path.

If you think you are right does not mean you are right and if you think someone is wrong does not mean someone is wrong. It is just your opinion until someone commits a crime that is against the law of the country and the religion of the people of that country.

Let me understand you by giving some common examples.

Photo by Nathan Cima on Unsplash

In India, it is prohibited to eat beef and it is a big crime. No matter whether you are Hindu, Muslim, or Christian you are not allowed to eat beef in India because the majority in the country are Hindus, and the cow is considered a holy animal in their beliefs and all the people of the country have to follow it.

Photo by Madie Hamilton on Unsplash

On the other hand in most Muslim countries (Almost all 58) it is a tradition to sacrifice cows on Eid ul Adha and share the beef meat with all your relatives, neighbors, and with poor. It is considered a good deed and all people who afford are doing this every Eid.

Photo by Sangria Señorial on Unsplash

Another example is that if you are a Christian you can drink Alcohol and if you find someone drinking it is not a big deal you might share one or two pegs with them.

Photo by mrjn Photography on Unsplash

But if you are a Muslim and some believers of Hindus also it is prohibited to drink alcohol and you will get punished on the governmental level if you are found guilty of drinking alcohol.

If someone's beliefs determine what is right and wrong, how can a person or thing be completely wrong? Think about it a bit and make up your mind after considering all the perspectives of certain circumstances.

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Life Stories
Vital Insights

I write about personal experiences on health, life lessons, self improvement and very little on money making topics