Friendship is Not Just a Word

Friends are the family that you choose for yourself.

Life Stories
Vital Insights
4 min readApr 19, 2024


Photo by Aman Shrivastava on Unsplash

No matter if you are 8 years old or 80 you must have some friends in your life that support you unconditionally. They are like the great blessings of God.

If someone told me that he has no friends or no loyal friends I would never believe them or advise them to see your friends with open hearts again. Your heart is dead if you don’t like to make friends.

Everybody has some special friends and some rich-hearted people even have dozens of them or even a few dozen. We need them for our happy and sad moments.

They are not your blood related but they know you better than your blood relation and they stand for you where your relative leaves you. They support you where nobody supports you.

If you are stuck in a fight or need some emergency money or you are in hospital 70 percent of people would call their parents or friends before relatives.

You can share all your secrets and thoughts with your friends that you can’t share even with your siblings or parents.

The friendships that lasted till the end were typically the neighborhood friends, street friends, and first-school friends, although university and workplace buddies are lovely too but in most cases that friendship lasted until you were in the institute.

These days people are also making friends online from different cities of their countries or even some from other countries through social media platforms.

Cross Gender Friendship

Photo by Allef Vinicius on Unsplash

Well, you might disagree with me but to be honest I believe that a male and female, a man and a woman, a boy and a girl, can never be friends like male and male, female and female, man and man, woman and woman, boy and boy, and girl and girl can.

I am talking about just friends. If you are saying we are just friends you’re lying. If you say this girl is my best friend and I just treat her as my friend you’re lying. Someday if you find a little chance or if she shows you a little bit of leverage you will never miss a chance to enter her personal space and try to make her your girlfriend.

A man and a woman can be boyfriend and girlfriend but not friends, they are friends until one strictly makes other limits and clear that they will never be that close to being boyfriend and girlfriend.

In my opinion husband and wife are the only cross-gender relations that can be best friends in the true sense.

Personal Experience

I made many friends in my childhood and I made many new friends over time. I am still with many of my schoolmates even I come my graduation but still I daily need some of my kindergarten buddies. They are amazing fellows and know me more than anyone else.

I have many friends from the same area I live in and our friendship is 20 years old note that I am 22 now.

We play cricket together every weekend, we play snooker every day, and we eat and go for outings on our bikes at least once a week. We are with each other in fighting, eating, weddings, and grief.

We can laugh and cry for each other and this indicates that we’re true friends.

After school, I visited college and university and made many amazing friends there too. We are still in touch although they are from different cities but I often visit them at least once every month and we are close enough to be best friends.

University friends are those who are with you in business as well. They are your business partners in most cases. If we get any idea they will join us without asking much and we also want them to join us if we get a good earning plan. I have a practical example that I am not alone on medium. My university friend told me about this platform and now our whole group are writers.

They are your friends who helped you the most in your professional life as well as with your relationship.

They love to tease you and love to make fun of you but never let others do the same with you. They know you better than anyone else.

I love traveling and outing with friends more than my family. But I am not mentioning anyone’s name here as if I named some and missed some they might get you jealous or something like that.

I am not comparing friends with family but they are in no way less than your family. They are the family you choose for yourself.

I’m a friendly guy and have a lot of friends 4 to 5 are special but I respect all of them and I hope to fulfill this friendship till last.



Life Stories
Vital Insights

I write about personal experiences on health, life lessons, self improvement and very little on money making topics