5 Benefits of Being a Quiet Person

Including getting out of awkward situations easily

Rejoice Denhere
Vital World Online
Published in
5 min readSep 20, 2021


Little girl with hands over her mouth
Image by Jelleke Vanooteghem on Unsplash

I consider myself a quiet person. I usually do not speak when I have nothing meaningful to add. Sometimes people have asked why I don’t speak up more often. The answer is because over the years I’ve learned that being quiet has many advantages. Here are five:

1. It Can Get You Out of Awkward Situations

When you are known for being a quiet person there is no pressure for you to share your view or opinion. If your comment is likely to cause dissent between people you can quietly get yourself out of a potentially awkward situation by saying nothing.

I once worked for a company where employees were unhappy with certain working conditions. Senior managers learned of it and a meeting was arranged with a director. Before the meeting, we outlined our grievances and decided that if the director refused to listen to us, we would back each other up.

The team arrived at the meeting confident we would accomplish our goals. What we, or rather I, didn’t realize (I cannot speak for the others) was that an individual had forewarned the director.

As opposed to the lead member of our group presenting our grievance, the director came right out and said, “I understand…



Rejoice Denhere
Vital World Online

Author and business owner. Putting teams and individuals on the path to success. Top Writer on Medium. https://rejoicedenhere.medium.com/membership