5 Very Simple Things You Can Do to Save Money

Save me today and I will save you tomorrow

Rejoice Denhere
Vital World Online
Published in
4 min readMar 26, 2021


Treasure chest with money
Image by Clipart-Vectors on Pixabay

I was out with some acquiantances one day when I realised I needed loose change. I asked each in turn if they had any. None of them did. They only used cards so didn’t have cash. The response from one individual struck me.

All my money folds.

From there on the conversation took a different turn. We talked about money and the perceived challenges of saving it.

Saving money doesn’t need to be complicated. You don’t have to be earning a lot of money to save it either.

Here are five very simple things you can do from today to save money.

1. Be Organised

Being organised just means having a place for everything. In your house you most likely have cupboards where you keep clothes, plates, cutlery, shoes, soap. You don’t haphazardly throw everything in one place.

Train yourself to put things away in the same place every time. It makes it easier and quicker to find them when you need them. Buy folders for documents or storage boxes for things like discount coupons and receipts.

Time is money. When you are disorganised it takes longer to find the things you need.



Rejoice Denhere
Vital World Online

Author and business owner. Putting teams and individuals on the path to success. Top Writer on Medium. https://rejoicedenhere.medium.com/membership