9 Traits of Successful People

And how you can also cultivate them

Rejoice Denhere
Vital World Online
Published in
5 min readMar 30, 2021


Image by 1681551 on Pixabay

Success leaves clues. The late Dr Myles Munroe once said:

“People generally fall into one of three groups:

The few who make things happen.

The many who watch things happen

The overwhelming majority who have no notion of what happens.

Every person is either a creator of fact or a creature of circumstance. He either puts color into his environment, or, like a chameleon, takes color from his environment.”

Successful people share the following traits:

1. They Are Confident

Confidence comes from believing in yourself. Successful people believe in their abilities, or skills to accomplish their goals. Their confidence grows through taking action. They don’t sit and watch the game from the sidelines. They get into the game and give it their all. They make things happen.

2. They Know What They Want

Successful people are very clear about what they want. This enables them to say No to anything that stands in the way of them getting want they want. When you know what you want, it’s easy to say No.

3. They Have a Plan



Rejoice Denhere
Vital World Online

Author and business owner. Putting teams and individuals on the path to success. Top Writer on Medium. https://rejoicedenhere.medium.com/membership