A Life Out of Focus

Lessons on Losing Your Glasses

Linda A. Moran
Vital World Online


Photo by the author, sometime in the near past…….not holding on carefully…..

Really? 64 years of wearing glasses and I lose them? The neon sign over my head is screaming “LOSER!”

How do I find them? Let me count the ways….

Thursday starts like any other day: get up, get dressed, clean my glasses of constant fingerprints, and collect what I need for a writing session in the library after my chiropractic appointment.

After a good adjustment and heat on the sore spots, I collect my hiking pole, hat, jacket, and purse and head on out…only to find I didn’t have my glasses. So I head back to the small office, figuring I left them on the chair — which wouldn’t be the first time I had done that.

A teensy weensy problem — the glasses were nowhere in the chiropractic office. We searched all over.

Now, I have NEVER forgotten my glasses completely. Usually, the first clue they’re not on my head is I hit a corner because I can’t see anything…but my glasses are not on the chair.

Instead of going to the library for a quiet (and different) space to write, I get on the bus and head home, ¾ mile walk included. I’m too rattled to sit and write, especially nearly blind. I have to find them…they must be in the apartment. Mild panic sets in. I’m operating in Fuzzy-land.



Linda A. Moran
Vital World Online

Artist, Author, Activist; truth-telling in history; redefining myself as a widow for a new decade. lindamoran.org