How I Overcame Lockdown Fatigue

And discovered new things about myself in the process

Rejoice Denhere
Vital World Online
Published in
4 min readFeb 28, 2021


Image by Лера_K on Pixabay

It doesn’t matter how much you enjoy being on your own, being on lockdown is taxing. Being forced to face four walls day in and day out with nowhere to go can drive you crazy.

The novelty of doing nothing wears off pretty quickly. Before long, fatigue sets in. Prior to the lockdown I didn’t know that having nothing to do could be so exhausting.

Before you shoot me down for being lazy, let me explain. As long as you’re alive there’ll always be something to do. You have to earn a living, groom yourself, keep your surroundings clean, run errands, and watch Netflix (if you have time.) I don’t have Netflix so that’s minus one. That’s not what I am talking about.

The things I am referring to, when I talk about doing nothing, are those things we do because there’s a big “why" linked to them. They add meaning and value to our lives. They bring joy and make us feel complete. They help us overcome challenges and obstacles.

When those activities are absent from our lives we become more vulnerable to fatigue and boredom. The lockdown caused our routines to change significantly. I doubt that many people maintained their routine of getting up at a specific time, dressing up in heels and putting on make up. They…



Rejoice Denhere
Vital World Online

Author and business owner. Putting teams and individuals on the path to success. Top Writer on Medium.