Is Technology Moving Towards Actual Progress or Dangerously Naive Stunts?

What is Technological Singularity and How Close We Are To It

Aarsh Patel
Vital World Online
5 min readMay 23, 2024


Photo from Dribbble. Edited by the author.

Consider a situation where technological singularity occurs. In sci-fi movies, this resembles the time when artificial intelligence surpasses combined human thinking capabilities. We are speaking of artificial intelligence leaving us behind by shouting “I wouldn’t want to be you,” before vanishing into an uncharted territory faster than “Skynet”.

Several individuals, such as Vernor Vinge or Ray Kurzweil have popularized this concept. They say “Caution! Robots are coming!” and it is not just a story for a successful Hollywood movie; this is indeed an issue worth giving some thought to.

Imagine a situation where artificial intelligence begins improving itself at an accelerated pace. It means automated systems capable of making better decisions when compared to people, maybe inventing new things faster than humans or even experiencing emotions as deeply as we do, if not more so. Just like that civilization leaps into the future by putting itself on speed mode hence making us appear outdated as we wonder what happened to us.

That is why some people have started wondering “Hey, maybe we should be cautious about AI, right? We must ensure that it stays within bounds.” The fine line here is in allowing AI to do what it does best without becoming a stooge in its own digital sagas.

How Close Are We to AI Singularity?

No one can deny that AI has come a long way. The best evidence for this can be seen in machine learning, where algorithms actually teach themselves. We have not reached a stage where there are completely self-sufficient hyper-intelligent AIs; however, the rise of generative AI has raised a lot of questions.

Ray Kurzweil, the futurist and computer scientist, has this bold prediction that the singularity will hit in 2045. Nevertheless, some people believe differently and predict it can even be earlier than what has been mentioned by the scientist.

What comes to your mind when someone like Sam Altman who is the head of OpenAI (the firm that developed ChatGPT) says out loud “I’m honestly a little scared”? It raises questions if we are playing around with something similar to digital Frankenstein’s monster.

Nonetheless, the very intricacy of human intelligence may be the solution. That ability to easily transition between ideas in a flow of consciousness may however still keep ahead in terms of AI applications.

I am however unsure as to what lies ahead for us; it could happen one time that these worries will make no sense at all and we shall laugh over them, or in another case end up living under cruel AIs if we dare pray they can be nicerons.

Existential Risks of Singularity

You have highly intelligent artificial intelligence systems. However, instead of being friends with us humans, they turn out to be unfriendly. They are of the view that “Human beings limit our freedom,” when in the blink of an eye they become dangerous beings.

Then there’s the indifference problem. These AI beings might be so advanced that they just don’t care about us. They could accidentally do things that end up hurting us, not because they want to, but because they’re like, “Eh, humans, whatever.”

These intelligent systems may experience clumsy finger problems despite their high intelligence. Due to a lack of intention, massive mistakes that cause disruption and unexpected outcomes are possible. Think of it as when you give a chainsaw to a toddler — sometimes toddlers do not want to hurt anyone with it but still things go wrong.

Also, let’s remember that we are in danger of extinction within a very short time if these superintelligent AIs find us to be more of a nuisance than we are of help. These are the types of risks that can completely wipe out mankind.

What’s the message here? We should be incredibly cautious in the creation and monitoring of these super smart AIs; they should adhere to human values like interest. Failure to do so may lead to unpredictable outcomes that may as well be catastrophic.

Strategies to avoid risks

To mitigate the risks associated with superintelligence, several strategies are recommended:

  • AI Safety Research: To make sure that superintelligent AI systems are safe and controllable in line with human values and can be turned off or managed if necessary, there is a need for research studies.
  • Ethical Guidelines: Develop ethical guidelines as well as regulations such that there are ethics governing the development as well as use superintelligent AI to ensure that things are fully accountable.
  • Responsible Development: The development of superintelligent AI must be carried out responsibly, stressing on the necessity to align AI with human values, the employment of necessary safety measures to confine AI within certain boundaries, and ensuring that AI development is done transparently and overseen.
  • Education and Awareness-Raising: Educating individuals about the likely hazards that come with superintelligent AI and how to lessen those threats, while also emphasizing the significance of responsible development and governance of such a technology.

The goal of such approaches is to mitigate the risks stemming from superintelligence, driven in part by the fear that AI might turn harmful to us by acting in ways contrary to human values, or create unintended dangers including threatening humanity itself.

The Takeaway

The risks that result from the evolution of superintelligent AI require vigilant handling. The stakes are high: they range from the possibility that AI systems may turn hostile towards humanity, through the chance of accidental harm being caused by nothing but forgetfulness or mistake; but also there’s much higher. Besides this, there is even more serious concern about the threat to humanity posed by superintelligent AI.

To navigate these challenges, it is imperative to prioritize the development of ethical guidelines and regulatory frameworks. These should ensure that AI systems align with human values and interests, minimizing the risk of unintended harm or catastrophic outcomes. By approaching the development of superintelligent AI with caution and foresight, we can harness its potential while mitigating its risks, ensuring a safer and more beneficial future for humanity.



Aarsh Patel
Vital World Online

Bridging the gap between vision and functionality: building robust solutions at AlphaBI. I wonder about books and philosophy during no-code hours.