Lady Luck. A short story.

Suzie played the same six numbers on the lottery every week. A chance meeting with a homeless person changed her perception of life.

Vital World Online


Lady Luck

Suzie had played the same six numbers on the lottery since it had begun. Before every draw, Suzie would visit Al, in the local corner shop and buy her, not so lucky ticket.

“I think I will give up soon,” Suzie announced to Al, as he took her money.

“That is what they all say. You have to be in it, to win it. Isn’t that what the advert says?” Al smiled.

“So, they say, but who, actually wins?”

“There was a couple up north, who won several million the other week. It could most certainly be you, one day.”

“You do keep me smiling Al, with your optimism.” Suzie teased.

Al, kissed the ticket before he handed it to Suzie. “There you go, Lady Luck. Just don’t forget the man who sold the ticket to you, when you win.” Al laughed.

“That is very unlikely to happen, I think you are going to be a shopkeeper for many more years to come.” Suzie turned and left the shop.

Suzie shuffled into work on Monday, looking sad and stressed, as she did every morning, into the solicitor’s office where she…

