Lessons From My Fur Love Kimi

Our dogs have it figured out

Badiana Badio Eckstrom
Vital World Online
3 min readApr 14, 2024


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Sunbathing and enjoying nature with no phones or distractions, that’s pure bliss. Kimi, my dog, has mastered this art. She stretches out contentedly, soaking up the sun’s warmth, completely unbothered by the digital world. It’s a skill I, on the other hand, am still working on. I can barely detach myself from my phone, even when I’m not actively using it. What is this need to be constantly connected? Perhaps it’s a security blanket, a comforting tether to the digital world.

Kimi, however, reminds me of the power of living in the moment. She doesn’t dwell on the past or worry about the future. She simply basks in the present sunshine. This lesson extends beyond sunbathing. There’s so much beauty and joy to be found in the everyday — a bird’s song, the warmth on your skin, the feel of soft grass beneath your paws (or feet!). Kimi nudges me to slow down, to savor these simple pleasures, and to be truly present in each moment.

Loyalty and Love

Kimi’s love is unconditional and unwavering. She doesn’t judge or hold grudges. All she wants is to be near me, to shower me with affection, and to receive the same in return. Her way of asking for attention is adorable — a strategic stretch, a full-body roll, a shower of tiny licks. It’s a heartwarming reminder that we shouldn’t be afraid to express our love openly and authentically. Sometimes, a simple cuddle or a heartfelt “I love you” is all it takes to brighten someone’s day.

Living in the Moment

As I mentioned, Kimi is a master of living in the moment. There’s no fretting about the past or anxieties about the future. Her focus is entirely on the present — the joy of a walk, the comfort of a nap, the pure, unadulterated excitement of a treat. This carefree spirit is something we can all learn from. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to approach life with the same level of enthusiasm and unbridled joy?

Embracing Silliness and Play

Kimi’s playful spirit is infectious. The way her tail wags with glee at the sight of either of her humans when they return home, the pure joy of a belly rub, the focused gaze as she chases squirrels in the yard — it’s a reminder to embrace the silliness and playfulness in life. Sometimes, we take ourselves too seriously. Laughter and lightheartedness are essential for a happy life. So, let loose, and find your inner goofball.

Rest and Relaxation

Kimi is a champion napper. She can curl up anywhere, anytime, and be fast asleep in a matter of seconds. There’s a serenity and peacefulness in her ability to completely unwind and recharge. We humans, on the other hand, often struggle with the concept of rest. We push ourselves to exhaustion, neglecting the importance of taking breaks and prioritizing relaxation. Kimi’s message is clear: take a freaking beat! Give yourself permission to simply rest, to be still, and to recharge your batteries.

Finding Joy

The pure, unadulterated joy Kimi experiences is a sight to behold. The way her entire body wiggles with excitement at the prospect of a walk, the infectious enthusiasm with which she greets every new day — it’s a beautiful reminder to embrace joy. We often dampen our own happiness, fearing it’s somehow “too much.” But why? Let yourself feel the joy, let it course through you, and see where it takes you. The world needs more of Kimi’s infectious enthusiasm.

Lessons Learned

It’s easy to fall into the trap of believing we, as caregivers, have all the answers. But Kimi has taught me a valuable lesson: sometimes, the greatest wisdom comes from those we care for. Our furry companions have a way of showing us how to live a simpler, more joyful life. They remind us to be present, to express love openly, to embrace silliness, and to find joy in the everyday. For that, I am eternally grateful to my fur love, Kimi.



Badiana Badio Eckstrom
Vital World Online

Raised in the vibrant rhythms of Haitian roots, curious about ordinary moments & the dichotomy of being black & privileged