Writing Success Tips

Rejoice Denhere
Vital World Online
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3 min readFeb 25, 2021


Image by Nitju on Pixabay

Don’t be afraid to be seen trying. Don’t be afraid to be seen failing. You don’t have to get it right the first time. — Rejoice Denhere

Everyone is at a different stage on their writing journey. Some are just starting out, whilst others are established and reaping the rewards of their hard work. Wherever you are in your journey, keep going, keep writing.

Don’t be afraid to be seen trying. Don’t be afraid to be seen failing either. It may seem to be taking a long time to reach your goals but know that, when you put in the hours, the universe will conspire to reward you.

Consistency Beats Talent

Find your writing comfort zone then stick with it. Consistency beats talent any day. If you enjoy writing every single day, then write — even if it’s only one line. Being consistent is your way of marking yourself “present” in the universe of writing. You don’t need to publish an article everyday. Just show up for yourself daily. Life has a way of revealing the next step you should take when you do this, and it could be your next life-changing, viral article.

Engage with other writers by reading their articles, and making meaningful comments. When you build relationships this way, you will get support when you…



Rejoice Denhere
Vital World Online

Author and business owner. Putting teams and individuals on the path to success. Top Writer on Medium. https://rejoicedenhere.medium.com/membership