What is remove background?

Vitalify Asia
Vitalify Asia
Published in
3 min readJan 9, 2023


Removing backgrounds from images and videos is an important task in many fields, such as graphic design, photography, video production, and e-commerce. It allows users to isolate and manipulate specific objects or subjects, to create transparent or overlaid effects, or to simply clean up and enhance the overall appearance of an image.


There are several methods and tools available for removing backgrounds, including manual selection tools, automatic background removal algorithms, and specialized software. In this article, we will focus on Dichotomous Image Segmentation (DIS), a method for separating an image into foreground and background regions based on pixel intensity, texture, and shape information.

DIS is a fast and easy-to-implement method that can separate an image into foreground and background regions. It is suitable for a wide range of applications, including graphic design, photography, video production, and e-commerce. However, it is not always the most accurate or reliable method, and it may require manual touch-ups or additional processing to achieve the desired results.

Demonstration website

To use our demo, simply upload an image and click the “Remove Background” button. Our DIS algorithm will automatically detect and isolate the foreground objects in the image, and you can download the result as a transparent PNG or a composited image with a solid background color of your choice.

Demo link: https://vfa-removebackground.web.app/

In building this webdemo, we use the client server model to quickly deploy the AI model as well as the website hosted on Firebase. On the API server side, Flask Framework is used to provide API on the fly. On the client side, VueJS is used to implement the interface for the demo.

Webdemo system schema


Overall, DIS is a fast and easy-to-implement method that can handle complex images with multiple foreground objects and variable backgrounds. However, it is not always the most accurate or reliable method, and it may require manual touch-ups or additional processing to achieve the desired results.

In conclusion, DIS can be a useful method for removing backgrounds in certain situations, but it is always a good idea to evaluate and compare different methods such as U2Net, DeepLab to determine the most suitable approach for a given image or video. We hope that this article has provided a comprehensive and practical guide to using DIS for removing backgrounds and that it has helped readers choose the most suitable method for their specific needs and goals.

The company

Our company is involved in a wide range of projects, not only AI development, but also mobile/web application development. We would be happy to discuss your needs with you.
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