Filming an event where the future of humanity is discussed — NBForum 2022

Roman Pototski
Published in
5 min readNov 14, 2022

This year Vita Pictura was once again back to cover the best leadership conference of the Nordic region — Nordic Business Forum 2022 with the main event taking place in Helsinki, Finland.

Behind-the-scenes photo with Garry Kasparov by Natalie Pastakeda

Our long-term client Nordic Business Forum returned to us this year with the task of covering the massive two-day event that brought over 7,000 people from over 50 countries, to discuss such topics as future of work, hope to communicate with people, and react to changes in our ever-changing world.

Harry Mack performing. Still from Nordic Business Forum 2022 — Official Aftermovie

The task is always challenging, since the two-day event raises a wide variety of topics, and we have to determine the most important parts of each of the topics and see if we can implement it in the official aftermovie, to give a general mood of the event to the audiences. Such aftermovies also act as a good sales material for the event to continue marketing themselves in order to sell the tickets for the next year!

Nordic Business Forum 2022 — Official Aftermovie

In addition to producing the official aftemovie that provides a glimpse into the whole event in a short video, we decided to prepare and record the interviews with the key speakers of this year’s event. It turned out to be a series of interviews, separated into topics, such as “Leadership Advice and Errors”, “The Future of Work”, “Taking Risk”, “Describing Your Work Process”, “New Things You Learned”, and “Finland and Nordic Business Forum experience”.

Leadership Advice and Errors — Behind the Keynotes — A Nordic Business Forum Series — Episode 1

The interviews we did were with the world’s top leaders and educators such as former World Chess champion and political activist Garry Kasparov; historian, author and thinker Rutger Bregman; anthropologist Jitske Kramer; author and professor at INSEAD Business School (Paris) Erin Meyer, author and Professor of Leadership at Harvard Business School Amy Edmondson; author and Time magazine Influential 100 Honoree Martin Lindstrom; Former Head of Innovation & Creativity at Disney and speaker Duncan Wardle, author and professor at Yale School of Management Zoe Chance.

Amy Edmondson. Still from Nordic Business Forum 2022 — Official Aftermovie

The forum attracts leaders, thinkers, politicians, and educators with the goal to discuss important contemporary issues such as digitization, the future of work, working with people, automation… The forum is truly an important platform to voice and discuss these ideas with the world leaders, and we wanted to portray this sense of urgency in our videos as well.

The audience. Still from Nordic Business Forum 2022 — Official Aftermovie

Georgius Misjura of Vita Pictura, the Director of the Nordic Business Forum aftermovies, the series of interviews, and the documentary covering behind-the-scenes, adds his view on the event:

“This year’s Nordic Business Forum aftermovie is very special to my heart and combines many video- and documentary style tricks our team have perfected over the years. Pre-production of this video has started during the pandemic already back in the year 2020, but we had to wait a little before it would come to fruition.”

Zoe Chance. Still from Nordic Business Forum 2022 — Official Aftermovie

Georgius adds:

“Previously, in 2020, we produced a documentary about how this event is usually put together, which was released during one of their online events in September 2020. This break in making aftermovies combined with knowledge about this event during making a documentary has let our concept to flourish and only become stronger. It was also the second aftermovie this year where we collided documentary-style narrative and style of Vita Pictura’s signature fast-paced editing. And finally, the interviews with main speakers and their incredible storytelling answers has helped to tie it all together. This was our fourth time filming this grandiose event. And we can’t wait to be back for more.”

Harry Mack. Still from Nordic Business Forum 2022 — Official Aftermovie

One memorable moment for our filming team was when the surprise guest, freestyle rapper, Harry Mack, turned to one of our cameras suddenly and continued free-styling about us filming :) Harry was a freestyle rapper at the VIP dinner event and on the main stage during the forum; he definitely added a new flair and energy to the forum with his free-styling skills.

The forum always attracts leaders from all over the world to discuss the topics that affect us all one way or another, creating a sense of urgency to solve the world’s challenges. Previously we filmed such guests at the event, as Barack Obama, Steve Wozniak, George Clooney, and so many other leaders and talents. We included the most important messages and ideas in our videos, in order to spread the awareness among the wider audience. As a result, this year, our production team rolled out the official aftermovie of the event, prepared and shot a series of interviews with the key speakers, and a multitude of social media content for the additional marketing of the corporate event.

The audience. Still from Nordic Business Forum 2022 — Official Aftermovie

Get the tickets for Nordic Business Forum 2023 here!

Special thank you for making this all happen goes to Théotime Pellé for the amazing communication with our production team, Priit Liiv for heading this year’s event, Hans-Peter Siefen for organizing such a unique forum, Salla Seppä for her excellent customer service skills, and many other people who helped to bring the forum to a new level!

Co-founder & CEO of Nordic Business Forum Hans-Peter Siefen. Still from Nordic Business Forum 2022 — Official Aftermovie



Roman Pototski

Having work experience in both finance and media production, I like to combine the two to create new content and share my thoughts on these topics with the rest