Announcing the Official ViteX Logo!

Vite Editor
Vite Labs
Published in
2 min readJun 19, 2019

Before we get to the exciting part, we just wanted to say thank you — again — to everyone who participated in the ViteX logo design competition. I know we’ve been saying thank you a lot recently on Medium, but we keep saying it because we are always grateful when we see active engagement from our community in support of a project that we’re putting forward.

As you all know, we launched the ViteX logo design contest to collect ideas from our community — ideas that we can use to inspire the final design of the ViteX logo. And inspire it did. Our in-house designers took the colors and aesthetic themes put forward by the community and iterated upon them to come up with our very own unique ViteX logo:

For us, this logo’s got a little bit of everything. You can see that we’ve joined two copies of the classic Vite labs triangles, one horizontal and one vertical, with two v-shaped lines that come together to form the “X” in ViteX. Last but not least, this combination may or may not remind you of an airplane, which usually happens to be fast (coincidence or not? You tell me).

