Earn with Vite Campaign!

Write about ways to earn in the Vite ecosystem

Joel Yang
Vite Labs
2 min readApr 20, 2021


Pop Quiz: How many ways are there to earn rewards within the Vite ecosystem?

Ever since the launch of Vite mainnet and our decentralized exchange ViteX, Vite Labs has been sharing with our community tips and ways to earn rewards with Vite. Now it’s time for us to switch seats. Vite Labs would like to hear from you, our community, the various ways that you have mastered to earn with Vite.

We are excited to announce a brand new Vite write-up campaign — Earn with Vite! In this campaign, we are looking for write-ups that contain fresh insights and/or instructions regarding how to earn rewards within the Vite ecosystem.

Here are the guidelines to follow for this campaign!

Timeline: April 20 — May 4, 2021


  1. To participate in Earn with Vite, you must post your write-ups on BOTH Vite Forum AND our Reddit Page.
  2. The type of submissions Vite Labs will be accepting are individual post submissions in a paragraph format. Comments will NOT be rewarded.
  3. Each post submission MUST use #EarnWithVite.
  4. Each article must also be tweeted by the contestant and tag our official twitter account (@vitelabs). Quality submissions will get RT from the official accounts, and the amount of social media engagement will be taken into consideration for prizes.
  5. Each participant must also follow Vite Labs, Vite Exchange, and official project team members on twitter (@vitelabs, @vitexexchange, @chunming_liu, @gentso09 , @ouivitejoel)
  6. Remember: the topic of discussion is on ways to earn within the Vite ecosystem.
  7. An eligible entry must be over 1 paragraph in length and show solid effort in its creation.
  8. Ideally, we are looking for one submission per participant on one platform of your choosing. However, participants can post multiple submissions as long as a NEW way of earning is being discussed each time.
  9. All posts will be DILIGENTLY graded and judged by the quality of the writing, thoroughness of explanation, and insightfulness.
  10. No reward will be given for spam posts or to text with no relevance to the topic of discussion.
  11. All rights are reserved by Vite Labs.


  • The MOST INSIGHTFUL post submission will receive 1000 VITE.
  • The Runner-up will receive 750 VITE
  • The third place will receive 500 VITE

