Earning Snapshot Block Producer (SBP) Rewards

Vite Labs
Published in
2 min readFeb 27, 2023

Becoming a decentralized contributor

The Vite blockchain network relies upon SBPs to secure and validate transactions. Vite’s SBP program is designed to promote decentralization and to provide benefits for contributors in the community. Rewards for becoming an SBP include an annual percentage rate (APR) and the opportunity to earn more rewards through network participation.

The SBP voting system allows the community to vote for SBPs that they believe in. This consensus mechanism helps to ensure that SBPs are held accountable. Some SBPs redistribute their rewards to their community members to incentive community votes.

Here are the main points about setting up a Vite blockchain node, becoming an SBP, and earning rewards:

Technical Requirements: Node must have high-performance hardware and a stable network environment. Recommended specs are at least 8 GB of RAM, a 4-core CPU, and a 100 Mbps network connection.

Vite Holding Requirements: Node must lock one million VITE for 90 days. This requirement is in place to ensure the stability and security of the network.

Incentives: SBP will receive rewards in the form of VITE as compensation for their contribution to the network. Annual inflation is 30 million VITE. All inflation is distributed as SBP rewards.

Zero Gas Fees: Vite is unique in that it requires zero gas fees for transactions, making it an attractive option for both users and nodes.

Becoming an SBP is a great opportunity for individuals and organizations to contribute to the growth and development of the Vite network, while also receiving rewards for their contributions.

Current SBP List:

Technical information and node installation guide:

