Vite Labs
Published in
6 min readMar 25, 2024


Empowering Community Governance: Introducing VDAO token airdrop on the Vite Network

*VDAO Token Logo By Community Votes

*VDAO token has not been issued yet. Be aware of scams.


In a strategic move to enhance community engagement and foster decentralized decision-making, the Vite DAO introduces the VDAO token, exclusively within the Vite network. This initiative marks a significant shift towards inclusivity, ensuring that the entire Vite community, beyond just VITE holders, has a voice in shaping the future of the ecosystem. This article delves into the rationale behind VDAO and its implications for community governance on the Vite network.

Vite top 5 community projects: Based on contributions to vite network, community activities, on chain statistics:


Ecosystem — Vite: Zero Gas Layer-1

ViteX: vitex.net

Community voted on token logo https://x.com/vitelabs/status/1772155396859330642?s=20

Final Community DAO vote is ACTIVE: to approve or disapprove the airdrop proposal : https://dao.vite.org/space/0

The voting will last 1 week, giving to vite holders the time to cast their votes, to ensure the proposal gets enough votes.

Diagram showing the procedure for vdao airdrop


The Vite ecosystem has always prioritized community involvement and decentralization. However, until now, decision-making primarily rested with VITE holders. Recognizing the need for broader participation, the VDAO initiative aims to democratize governance by involving the entire community in decision-making processes within the Vite network.

The Rationale for VDAO:

The decision to introduce VDAO stems from several key factors:

1. Inclusivity:

VDAO ensures that all members of the Vite community, irrespective of their token holdings, have a say in governance matters. This inclusivity fosters a sense of ownership and collective responsibility, strengthening community ties and driving consensus-based decision-making.

2. Democratization of Governance:

By expanding participation beyond VITE holders, VDAO democratizes governance, reflecting the decentralized ethos of the Vite blockchain. Every community member, whether a token holder or not, can contribute ideas, vote on proposals, and shape the direction of the ecosystem.

3. Amplified Community Voice:

VDAO amplifies the community’s voice, allowing diverse perspectives to inform decision-making. This ensures that proposals and initiatives reflect the collective interests and values of the entire Vite community, leading to more equitable and transparent governance.

4. Enhanced Resilience and Sustainability:

A diverse and engaged community is essential for the long-term resilience and sustainability of the Vite ecosystem. VDAO’s inclusive approach ensures that decision-making is not concentrated in the hands of a few, reducing the risk of centralization and enhancing the ecosystem’s robustness.

5. Driving Innovation and Growth:

By harnessing the collective intelligence and creativity of the entire community, VDAO has the potential to drive innovation and fuel growth within the Vite ecosystem. Community-driven initiatives are often more aligned with user needs and preferences, leading to the development of more impactful solutions.

Inclusivity in Airdrop Support:

In general, the community supports the airdrop for VITE (wallet, ViteX including staked in ViteX, SBP staking, locked for quota, locked for full node), VX (wallet, ViteX including staked in ViteX), and community tokens (wallet, ViteX), exclusively within the Vite network. Networks regarding other blockchain networks such as BSC or Ethereum will not be considered.

1.VDAO Allocation and Distribution:

The VDAO tokens will be allocated as follows and distributed in batches:

Vite DAO airdrop

Token Name: Vite DAO

Decimals: 18

Token Symbol: VDAO

Total Supply: 2,174,226,156 = 1,087,113,078 * 2 (The total amount of VITE DAO token is 2 times the total amount of VITE)

  • 50% of the total supply for the 1:1 airdrop to existing VITE holders.
  • - 20% reserved for rewards for votes in the DAO, incentivizing active participation in governance.
  • - 10% allocated for VX holders, acknowledging their integral role in empowering the network.
  • - 10% designated for staking VITE, with tokens locked for quota and full nodes, supporting network security and stability.
  • - 5% allocated for team maintenance and LP, ensuring the sustainability and development of the ecosystem.
  • - 5% distributed equally among the top community projects (Vinu, VITC, VT, Viva, and ViCAT), recognizing their contributions to the ecosystem.

2. Dedicated Governance Token:

Introducing a specialized governance token exclusively for VITE DAO ensures that VDAO holders possess voting rights and active participation privileges distinct from VITE and VX tokens. This promotes a more streamlined and focused approach to community governance.

3. Value Proposition through Governance Participation:

VDAO holds intrinsic value by allowing holders to shape the future of VITE through active participation in Vitesensus tool voting. This process not only encourages broader community engagement but also serves as a pivotal step towards the decentralization of governance.

4. VITE and Vdao token Rewards for VDAO Holders:

To incentivize and reward VDAO holders, the VITE DAO Foundation will operate (SBP) and voting incentives, directing VITE rewards to the addresses of new token holders. This ensures ongoing benefits for those actively participating in the ecosystem.

5. Exclusive Benefits for VDAO Holders:

VDAO holders will enjoy exclusive privileges, including proposing votes in VITE DAO governance activities. This encourages a sense of ownership and active involvement in shaping the future trajectory of the Vite ecosystem.

6. Vite DAO Token Trading on ViteX:

Facilitating the seamless integration of VDAO into the broader Vite ecosystem, users will have the opportunity to trade Vite DAO tokens on the ViteX exchange, enhancing liquidity and accessibility.

7. Community Engagement Rewards:

Implementing a dynamic mechanism, users will receive additional Vite DAO tokens as rewards for active participation in voting on the Vitesensus protocol. This dynamic approach fosters a vibrant and engaged community within the Vite ecosystem, reinforcing the decentralized ethos of VITE DAO.

By prioritizing user-centric benefits and innovative incentives, these initiatives are poised to drive adoption and active participation within the Vite DAO ecosystem, ensuring a robust and inclusive governance structure for the community.

To actively participate in shaping the future of the Vite DAO and support the proposed initiatives https://dao.vite.org

Bridge vite bep20 TO Vite Native Coin:

You can use ViteX gateway to deposit vite bep20 via: https://app.vite.net

Or desktop : https://github.com/vitelabs/vite-wallet/releases

Web wallet: https://x.vite.net

Or via Binance exchange( Vite network and BSC network supported).


The introduction of VDAO represents a significant step towards democratizing governance and fostering inclusivity within the Vite ecosystem. By involving the entire community in decision-making processes, VDAO ensures that governance reflects the diverse perspectives and interests of all stakeholders within the Vite network. As VDAO evolves, it has the potential to become a cornerstone of community engagement and empowerment on the Vite network, driving innovation, resilience, and sustainable growth.

As the VDAO initiative progresses, active participation from community members within the Vite network will be crucial. Your input, ideas, and votes will shape the future of governance on the Vite network, ensuring that it remains truly decentralized and community-driven.

(Note: The snapshot for the airdrop will be announced later, after final DAO approval. The proposal to Approval VDAO airdrop will be posted soon at dao.vite.org

Final note:

Vite is the main coin of the network and can be clarified briefly:

  • Lock 1 million VITE, you can run a SBP of the VITE chain, and the SBP will generate blocks and receive VITE rewards
  • - Lock 10,000 VITE, you can run a FullNode of the VITE chain, Fullnode verifies transactions, and can get FullNode rewards
  • - To issue Token on the Vite chain, 1000 VITE needs to be burned
  • - To issue a contract on the Vite chain, 10 VITE needs to be. burned
  • - In the DEX transaction of the Vite chain, the VITE transaction fee generated by the transaction on the VITE trading pair will be. burned
  • - To open a trading pair on ViteX, you need to burn 10,000 VITE
  • - Lock VITE to obtain income in the ecological application of the VITE chain. Currently, you can obtain Token VX from the ViteX exchange by staking VITE
  • - Stake vite to get quota, so that users can transfer funds for free on the Vite chain

