(Community Rewards: 1000 Vite tokens) Participation needed: Testing of Vite Payment in Tokyo

Vite Editor
Vite Labs
Published in
1 min readSep 24, 2018

Dear friends of Vite,

To take cryptos into the real world, one of our key next steps is to drive adoption of Vite as a form of payment. This week, as part of a public test campaign, we are seeking 2–4 participants to make purchases with Vite at the popular Don Quijote Chain in Tokyo. You may choose to participate on Sep 26 or Sep 27. As a token (no pun intended) of our appreciation, we will provide 1000 Vite tokens to each participant along with Vite souvenirs.

Below are the details:


  • 東京都新宿区大久保1–12–6 ドン·キホーテ新宿別館1F (http://www.donki.com/store/shop_detail.php?shop_id=8)


  • Email richard@vite.org to receive specific logistics of the event
  • Download a designated wallet app on your smartphone and accept Vite tokens (to be used in the step below)
  • Visit the store above and make a purchase with Vite tokens
  • Provide feedback on your experience in the form of a 1-minute interview

Lastly, as previously mentioned, each participation will receive 1000 Vite tokens for their time.

See you in Tokyo! 🇯🇵

Best regards,

Vite Labs


Official: https://www.vite.org/






Vite Editor
Vite Labs

All things related to the Vite public blockchain. Our website is vite.org.