The 7th Vite Mainnet Upgrade

Joel Yang
Vite Labs
Published in
2 min readAug 12, 2022


The 7th Vite mainnet upgrade “Uranus” is arriving. This upgrade is mainly for the ViteX contracts.

The upgrade details are as follows:

Go-vite will be released in a beta version: V2.12.0-rc2, all nodes (both SBPs and full nodes) are recommended to upgrade to beta for the purpose of testing. Once all tests are completed, the official version V2.12.0 will be released.

New Features

ViteX Market Order

Users can set a desired sell volume or amount without setting a price. The trade starts from the best market price until the order is filled. To ensure a good trading experience, there are minimum and maximum amount limits for market buy orders, as well as minimum and maximum volume limits for market sell orders.

Order Expiration

Previously, orders placed were automatically canceled if not filled within 30 days. The 30 day limit is removed in this upgrade, and new orders are no longer automatically canceled.

DEX Internal transfer

DEX FundContract: add Transfer method so as to directly transfer tokens from one address to another.


Onroad transactions are stored in levelDB rather than memory.

RPC API update

  1. ledger_getVmLogsByFilter: paginated by default and fromHeight of 0 means the latest block instead of the genesis block (doc)
  2. dexFund_GetAllTradePairs: get all trade markets information

