The 8th Vite MainNet Upgrade

Vite Labs
Published in
2 min readFeb 7, 2023


The eighth Vite MainNet upgrade is arriving. This upgrade is mainly for the ViteX token (VX). Details are as follows.

Go-vite will be released in a beta version: V2.13.0-rc1. All nodes (both Snapshot Block Producers and full nodes) are recommended to upgrade to beta for the purpose of testing. Once all tests are completed, the official release of V2.13.0 will happen.

MainNet Update

VX Ratio

Modification of the VX release ratio, increase in the development team’s VX to 25%, and airdrop of all team VX to users upon upgrade. A detailed airdrop plan will be shared in another article.


  • Trading as mining: 55%
  • Staking as mining: 20%
  • Market making as mining: 15%
  • Team: 10%


  • Trading as mining: 50%
  • Staking as mining: 10%
  • Market making as mining: 15%
  • Team: 25%


Optimized for market orders feature.

