Vite Bi-weekly Report

Oct 1–15, 2019

Vite Editor
Vite Labs
3 min readOct 17, 2019


Recent Milestones & Community Events

  • At the end of September, Vite Engineering Director Allen Liu gave the first technical AMA to our Chinese fans, where he answered many tough questions raised by our Chinese community. The full English transcript of the AMA can be found here and here (parts 1 and 2, respectively).
  • On October 9th, we announced an official partnership with Ankr. All Vite node operators can now use Ankr’s distributed cloud computing network to host and maintain Vite’s nodes. Additionally ANKR will be listed on ViteX starting October 18th!
  • On October 10th, we released an article detailing the community’s suggestions for different VX release curves. Everyone is welcome to discuss and provide their thoughts and opinions on our Forum post, found here. After the community has had time to discuss the four possibilities, we will have to finalize the preferred release schedule.
  • On October 14th, we began a community poll for potential adjustments to VX mining allocation and additional VITE burning scenarios. Keep in mind that the voting period will end on Oct 20 — you can find the form here.

System Developments


  • Amazon, QLDB database research began on different possibilities for Vite ledger storage.
  • Work began for Ankr Docker technical support.

ViteX Exchange

CoinMarketCap requested API development

Vite Wallet App


Android v3.0.0 was released.

Web and mobile-based DEX optimized:

  • Web v3.0 increases the effective order display;
  • added the delegation filter, and page breakS;
  • added customized gateway settings;
  • added mining identification

Mobile version 1.2.0 was updated:

  • Added the display support for small amounts
  • Increased number of entries for pending order display;
  • Increased number of entries for historical order screening and paging

In progress:

Android v3.1.0 DEX development continues, implementation of the market pages 30% complete.

Android GRIN wallet library research to investigate the Android compatibility with GRIN is 50% complete.

iOS DEX v1.2: Rewriting of the market page using Swift and completing the ws and http page requests.

Edits to ViteJS to prepare for the release of V2.3.0-alpha:

  • Naming specs: optimize functions and return value;
  • Rewriting the private key dispatch structure, added a collection of HDWallet classes (previously it was privToAddr+hdAddr) for generating mnemonics, dispatching private keys, and generating addresses;
  • Redefine the client, split into classes of viteAPI and transaction: 1) viteAPI: call goViteAPI, logic such as network monitoring, and 2) transaction: mainly used to send all types of transactions

Gateway improvement

  • ANKR token cross-chain gateway support.
  • iOS with stablecoin access: TestFlight of a new version of dApp Master App.


  • From Oct 4–5, Vite CMO Luke Kim attended the Abuja Blockchain Conference in Nigeria and gave a keynote speech. He also met with government officials and business partners from Nigeria and other African countries to explore the potential of blockchain in Africa while expanding the number and impact of Vite’s community in Africa.
  • From Oct 8–9, the Silicon Valley team participated in the project completion exhibition held by City Innovation in the United States. Vite COO Richard Yan shared the progress and achievements of the SyraCoin project, and discussed the possibility of promoting City Coin applications with other cities in the United States.

