Vite Bi-weekly Report

Feb 1–15, 2022

Vite Labs
Published in
4 min readFeb 17, 2022


Project Updates

Solidity++ Updates

Solidity++ 0.8 Preview Extension 0.1.2 released, changes include:

  • Update autocomplete and syntax highlighting
  • Enabled testnet and mainnet
  • Replace solppc with solppc-js
  • Change await to experimental feature

We’re Hiring

As Vite continues to grow, our team does as well. Check out the following openings at Vite and apply today.

Key Activities

Vite Liquidity Mining Campaign with Hummingbot

We’re excited to announce that we have partnered with Hummingbot, bringing you a 12-week liquidity mining campaign on Binance! The total reward pool up for grabs is US$15,000 beginning February 15, 2022! Learn more about how you can be involved in this campaign here.

Missed our AMA? Watch it Here.

On February 3rd, we held an AMA with our COO Richard Yan where he answered a variety of questions on the following topics:

  • Metaverse
  • VITE volumes
  • ViteX strategy
  • Vuilder hackathons
  • Solidity compatibility
  • Meme coins
  • Quota locking
  • Network engineering optimization

As you can see, we covered a lot of ground. If you missed it, check it out here and let us know what you think:

Vite Headed to ETHDenver

ETHDenver is the largest Web3 #BUIDLathon in the world (fka hackathon) for Ethereum and other blockchain protocol enthusiasts, designers, and developers. Our COO Richard Yan is headed there for the conference so if you see him, make sure you say hello!


To spread awareness about our decentralized exchange, we released the hashtag “#WhatMakesViteXSpecial” on Twitter with some great responses and feedback. Check out our first tweet out of many about this Twitterstorm:

VINU / USDT Pair Eligible for 2X Market-Making As Mining

On February 11, VINU/UST Pairs on ViteX were made eligible for 2X Market-Making as Mining, and a great opportunity for trading and scoring some VX. Learn more about the benefits of this program here.

Our Latest #ViteBiweekly and #ViteBiweekly Winner

Vite Brand Ambassador Soraya Torrens is back with another awesome #ViteBiweekly, check it out below and make sure you answer the question for your chance at 500 VITE!

Also, congrats to our last #ViteBiweekly winner!

Community Contributions and Shoutouts

Vite&News Valentine’s Day Campaign

February 14th was Valentine’s Day, and to show love for Vite, @Vite&News shared a special Valentine’s Day Campaign on Twitter where you can win your very own VitePunk. More in the tweet below.

NFT Vite Begins Outreach

Community members from the Vitamin Coin team have begun their initial outreach about NFT Vite. Check them out on Twitter and Discord.

Stake VITE, Earn VITE — on Viva

Did you notice that there will be another round where you can stake VITE to earn Vite on Viva? Check it out here and check out that APR!

VITE and VX Data

Full Nodes Data

Snapshot Block Producer Data



Vite Labs

Business Development and Communications Manager at Vite.