Vite Community Star Global Election Winners

Khun Sir
Vite Labs
Published in
2 min readJun 2, 2020

As we have mentioned, will have a new look! We are rebuilding the website to make a better display of the project.

The community section has also been re-designed and we have therefore conducted a 2020 Vite community star election.

We would like to thank those who participated for your support and decided the following winners upon our careful selection.

Winners of 2020 Vite Community Star

Here’s the winner list of 2020 Vite Community Star (telegram ID, ranked in no particular order):

@huydo @moneyvore @aumi121 @Moony127 @Greek1313 @NRZelenskiy @id_daniel @makesushi @ThinksLikeYouSould

We have made a certificate for each of the winners. Please contact our community managers on telegram to claim your certificate!

We will reveal their contributions on our new website, congratulations to our community stars! Thanks to everyone for participating in this campaign. See you in our groups!

