Vite DAO : VDAO token airdrop for Vite&VX &Community Projects tokens holders.

Vite Labs
Published in
3 min readMar 6, 2024

In a strategic move to amplify community engagement within the Vite ecosystem, the Vite DAO unveils a transformative proposal introducing the VDAO token. Acknowledging the challenges faced in securing substantial support for proposals, this initiative aims to overcome these hurdles by distributing the VDAO token through a 1:1 airdrop ratio to existing VITE holders.

1. Token Autonomy and Equitable Allocation:

VDAO is designed to be completely independent of VX, ensuring a distinct separation of governance from VITE. The 1:1 airdrop ratio guarantees fair distribution, providing every VITE holder and other community projects with an opportunity to participate in the VDAO ecosystem.

Vite DAO airdrop

Token Name: Vite DAO

Decimals: 18

Token Symbol: VDAO

Total Supply: 2,174,226,156 = 1,087,113,078 * 2 (The total amount of VITE DAO token is 2 times the total amount of VITE)

1:1 ratio to VITE. this represents 50% of supply.

20% reward for votes in the DAO.

10% for VX holders

10% for staking vite(locked for quota,full nodes).

5% for the team maintenance and LP.

5% Top Community Projects(Vinu,Vitc,VT,Viva,Vicat) distributed equally only once.

2. Dedicated Governance Token:

Introducing a specialized governance token exclusively for VITE DAO ensures that VDAO holders possess voting rights and active participation privileges distinct from VITE and VX tokens. This promotes a more streamlined and focused approach to community governance.

3. Value Proposition through Governance Participation:

VDAO holds intrinsic value by allowing holders to shape the future of VITE through active participation in Vitesensus tool voting. This process not only encourages broader community engagement but also serves as a pivotal step towards the decentralization of governance.

4. VITE Rewards for VDAO Holders:

To incentivize and reward VDAO holders, the VITE DAO Foundation will operate a Secure By Proof (SBP) mechanism and voting incentives, directing VITE rewards to the addresses of new token holders. This ensures ongoing benefits for those actively participating in the ecosystem.

5. Exclusive Benefits for VDAO Holders:

VDAO holders will enjoy exclusive privileges, including proposing votes in VITE DAO governance activities. This encourages a sense of ownership and active involvement in shaping the future trajectory of the Vite ecosystem.

6. Vite DAO Token Trading on ViteX:

Facilitating the seamless integration of VDAO into the broader Vite ecosystem, users will have the opportunity to trade Vite DAO tokens on the ViteX exchange, enhancing liquidity and accessibility.

7. Community Engagement Rewards:

Implementing a dynamic mechanism, users will receive additional Vite DAO tokens as rewards for active participation in voting on the Vitesensus protocol. This dynamic approach fosters a vibrant and engaged community within the Vite ecosystem, reinforcing the decentralized ethos of VITE DAO.

By prioritizing user-centric benefits and innovative incentives, these initiatives are poised to drive adoption and active participation within the Vite DAO ecosystem, ensuring a robust and inclusive governance structure for the community.

To actively participate in shaping the future of the Vite DAO and support the proposed initiatives


  1. Community Engagement Boost: VDAO, with daily VITE rewards and exclusive benefits, enhances community involvement.
  2. 2. Decentralized Governance: Specialized governance token ensures a focused, decentralized decision-making process.
  3. 3. Equitable Distribution: The airdrop ratio provides fair access to VDAO for all existing VITE Ecosystem tokens holders.


  1. Speculation Risk:Airdrop may attract speculators, potentially diluting the commitment of genuine community members.
  2. 2. Token Ecosystem Complexity: Introducing a new token may add complexity, potentially confusing users managing multiple tokens.

Your input is crucial, will contribute to the realization of these innovative measures aimed at enhancing community engagement and empowerment within the Vite ecosystem.


-The airdrop will be sent in batches.

-The proposal to choose VDAO TOKEN logo will be posted soon


