Vite Runner Hackathon

Joel Yang
Vite Labs
Published in
3 min readDec 1, 2021

Who’s running with us? The third vuild season is here. Vite Labs has once again partnered with Gitcoin as a proud sponsor of the Grants Round 12 Hackathon.

Our theme this time is Vite Runner. A Vite Runner is someone meticulously dedicated to high quality work and innovation. He/she is steadfast in their Web3 pursuit and sticks around here in our Vitaverse for the long run. A Vite Runner can sprint or slow walk, but they never lose their sense of direction.

Are you a Vite Runner? Show us your speed and your stamina by building on the world’s first working DAG-based smart contract platform — Vite.

Let’s run and build a movement together!

Hackathon Duration

December 1–16, 2021

Reasons to Build on Vite

  • Unique and differentiated platform based on DAG that enables free and fast payments and smart contract transactions.
  • Existing products to build on (e.g., ViteX)
  • Dev support/Tooling.
  • A passionate and growing community.
  • An opportunity to join Vite full-time.


Four Bounties:

  1. Yield Dashboard — $3,500 in VITE
  2. AMM — $7,500 in VITE
  3. Social Tokens — $7,000 in VITE
  4. Index Product on Vite — $3,500 in VITE

One Open Task:

Participants can define their own tasks. Prizes will depend on the usefulness, quality, and creativity of the completed projects.


How do I participate in the hackathon?

Go to Grants Round 12 Hackathon and log in with your GitHub account to participate.

How is the Vite chain different from chains like Ethereum and do I need to learn a different computer language to participate in the hackathon?

In terms of smart contract programming, Vite is very similar to Ethereum. The biggest difference is Solidity++ (language used in Vite) which is asynchronous compared to Solidity. You should have no problem fitting in if you are a skilled Solidity developer. However, to reduce the possible learning time, it is highly recommended you read through the technical documentation before the event.

What are your requirements for the developer environment?

The environment is not limited. Mac + VsCode is recommended but you can use any programming environment and IDEs you are familiar with. If you are writing smart contracts, we provide a Soliditypp VsCode extension which can be found in the Extension marketplace to help you debug/deploy the contract.

Where to locate Vite’s tech documents?

All technical documents can be found here.

Do I need to give a demo for the product that I have built?

Yes. It is a requirement.

I have some technical questions to ask the Vite Devs, where can I interact with them directly?

You can go to our official Discord and post your questions in the hackathon channel.

