Vuilder Connect Program

Joel Yang
Vite Labs
Published in
2 min readMay 18, 2022

To assist our ecosystem project teams with their needs for more developers, Vite Labs is launching the Vuilder Connect Program. Through this program, Vite Labs will leverage its own platform and outreach to connect qualified developers with these teams.

How It Works

It all starts with a need for more devs.

To maintain the growth trajectory, many web3/crypto projects encounter the problem of not having enough developers on the team. With the Vuilder Connect Program, our existing ecosystem project teams can now approach Vite Labs to help recruit devs that will build out their new tools or protocols.

This will be done in the form of a bounty. Here is an example.

Project teams are encouraged to clearly define the features, requirements and judging criteria for the bounty. Upon approval, Vite Labs will publish the bounty and promote on all its channels to attract interested developers.

The winning developer will be expected to join the project team and launch the new tool or protocol shortly after the bounty prize payout.


Each bounty payout will normally range between $2,000 and $7,000. It depends on the scope of the bounty requirement. A full-fledged project may justify a significantly larger amount.

Since the applicants are from our existing ecosystem projects, Vite Labs will require that up to 80% of the funding for the bounty prize comes from the applicant.

How to Apply

To apply, please submit an application here.

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