Wallet Referral Campaign Winners!

The results are in!

Vite Editor
Vite Labs
Published in
1 min readJun 15, 2019


By popular demand, we brought back our wallet referral campaign towards the end of April. There was a bit of a delay in announcing the results as we were notified by some of our users that there was cheating behavior during the campaign. As such, we had our dev team check the legitimacy of each winning wallet address to ensure that the correct winners were listed. We’re happy to announce the following winners:

The prizes will be distributed to the top 50 addresses within 3 working days.
For the top 10 addresses, please send ONE VITE to this address: vite_1a1667a06fa50e22926fe578f70033b0165ecce8187a4b66fb along with the delivery information for your Vite T-shirt.

