Vites Project Headway

Published in
3 min readOct 25, 2018

The Vites Ecosystem has been progressing as the swap from the VITES wave asset to the NIST5 blockchain has just concluded and as the official white paper is pending release. For this update, we would like to inform you of our current thought processes as far as development goes. The Vites Ecosystem is planning on deploying three development stages:

  1. The Vites Platform
  2. Vites P2P Marketplace
  3. VitesEx (mini exchange)

Since Vites has swapped to its own blockchain, utilizing the NIST5 algorithm, the Vites team will be negotiating with potential partners and associations in order to implement VITES as a payment option on partnership platforms and websites. With the above blueprint consisting of three development stages, we intend for Vites to be available for trade and exchange not only on the platforms hosted by the Vites Ecosystem but also through our potential partnerships.

As the Vites team has been chipping away at roadmap goals and implementing positive features for implementing VITES amongst everyday operations, we have further updates to unveil to the community:

  • Negotiations with several exchanges are underway — to list VITES as a tradable asset on these exchanges, listing fees are the only barriers for the time being. Several of these exchanges require BTC to list digital assets on their platforms, and currently, the Vites team only has available liquidity in VITES coins. To combat this issue, the Vites team is engaged in talks with prospective investors to potentially bring more value to the VITES coin and afford the team the ability to pay for exchange listing fees.
  • The whitepaper is almost finished to advise everyone of the concrete plans to implement a comprehensive online marketplace powered by VITES and other cryptocurrencies. As of this moment, we have changed some details of the white paper and are currently awaiting specific content to better inform you of our vision.
  • Once our whitepaper has been released, the next goal on the horizon is a listing on CMC! has been the go-to website for cryptocurrency advocates and investors alike — presenting a suite of information as well as trading tools to assist you in your research and investments.
  • The roadmap of 2019 is also being designed to follow suit with the whitepaper. This crucial piece of information is presently in discussions with our developers to set ambitious but realistic, attainable goals.
  • Carles is making something particularly special for our community which has also required our attention — keep your ears open for this!
  • Our marketing campaign is evolving and expanding as the Vites Ecosystem advances.
  • A bounty program is also being crafted to increase community engagement while presenting the best possible talent within the Vites community the opportunity to showcase their creativity.
  • A legal discussion is also being conducted with our legal counsel to build a foundation for our community!
  • Among all of this news, many more engagements and operations are occurring behind the curtains that cannot be discussed at the moment but will nevertheless be presented to the community in due time.

With these updates, we would like to remind the community and the crypto world that the Vites Ecosystem is here to stay. Our sights are set on project goals and deadlines while keeping the community’s best interest in mind. Our focus is on a healthy, sustainable project which will facilitate healthy growth. Stay tuned for more news, announcements, and updates as more of the boxes are checked and as we come closer to realizing our goals.




Cryptocurrency advocate, content creator, believer in restoring financial freedom through decentralization and blockchain technology.