How to get started with making NPM Packages ?

Nimish Shah
Published in
3 min readApr 28, 2020

I have been fascinated by the internet and it has made me curious about the technologies that shape it. I have been learning MERN stack for a while now and have decided to develop a Node package that will create a boilerplate for the apps built using MERN stack.

Here’s what I realized, NPM packages are easy to build and use.

To create an NPM package, all you need to be familiar with is Node. So, let’s dive in

  1. First, I created an empty directory and initialized a project by typing the following command in the terminal-
npm init

After filling up all the details, package.json was created.

2. Next, in index.js, in the very first line,


This string was required

This string basically tells the machine to treat ‘index.js’ as binary in the node environment.

3. Next, to make the boilerplate, I used the create-react-app package and to invoke the package programmatically, I used the child_process library. Other modules were also required that I used for other functionalities but we’ll come to later. So the index.js looks something like this —

4. Now, let’s dig into the main stuff. The first thing that I thought was that I’d need a project name from the user. So, I prompted the user with a question regarding the same. I found this cool library inquirer which takes all the types of inputs (from boolean to multiple checklist) in order to execute the above mentioned task.

const questions = await inquirer.prompt([{
type: ‘input’,
name: ‘projectName’,
message: ‘What is the name of the project? (Use small letters and without space)

When above block of code is executed, the questions variable would look something like this,

{ projectName:<Something_User_Entered>}

5. Now that I fetched the project name, I decided to create a directory of the name and put the boilerplate in it. Here comes the use of the module ‘fs-extra’. I used mkdirs function to achieve this. I could’ve just spawned a child_process and used the ‘mkdir’ shell command but I used the mkdirs function, in order for the package to work on cross-platform.


so, if the terminal was opened and the path was set to ~/Documents, a new folder named “projectName” would have been created in Documents.

6. Then I initialized the React App with create-react-app. For this, I used child_process to spawn a shell.

cwd: path.join(_cwd,<projectName>),

cwd parameter defines on which path the shell should be spawned. So I basically initialized a react app in ‘client’ folder inside the main folder.

7. I had made a folder named ‘template’ inside my package which had the express files we usually need handy. So this step was quite easy, just copy everything from template to the folder I created.

console.log(‘\x1b[32m%s\x1b[0m’,”Express App Generated”);

Note :
__dirname is path where the package exists OR where the index.js is
_cwd is path where the terminal instance is opened
Also, the first weird string in console.log is to colour the output.

8. Finally, I made a small change in package.json I added the following field,

“bin”: {
“init-mern”: “./index.js”

By adding this field, I can invoke the package directly through the terminal like ‘init-mern’ and the package should run.

9. Then I published it,

npm login      //Login with your npm account
npm publish

Hit “npx init-mern” and the package would run.

Here’s the GitHub link if you want to refer my code.

Making NPM packages is quite easy. MERN boilerplate is just one example that I made out of a pool of packages that can be made. You can always make other packages which would make your work easy or which can be used to structure a code.

Happy Coding fellas!

Originally published at VITHelper.

