Tips for Inventor No 2: Why are we called Manusia (Human Being)?

Step: 1 Conceptualization

5 min readSep 2, 2021


Image: Why are we called Manusia

The word “Manusia” stands for a human being in the Malay language. Have you ever wondered how this word comes about? I think it would be definitely beneficial if we could investigate further.

The word “Manusia” was borrowed from the word “Manusa” in the Sanskrit language. Sanskrit is an ancient language used in India a few millennia ago. Manusa is made up of two root words, which are “Mano” and “Usa”. “Mano” means the mind whereas “Usa” means the effort. When you put these two words together, “Manusa” means a human being that has a mind that could
cultivate to its full potential.

We should be very fortunate to have a human mind that could cultivate intellectually. This potential is enormous and it has no limit.

Let's continue our discussion and find out how it works. We have a body and a mind. But how do we maximize this potential? How do we go about unleashing the potential within the mind? To answer this, I will need to bring an example of a computer. Imagine the body of a human being as the hardware in a computer and the mind as the software.

Image: Human being vs computer [BGO Software]

Like a laptop, it has a computer body frame, an LCD screen, keyboard, USB ports, CD player, speakers, webcam and etc. And inside the computer, there is a hard disk, microprocessor, circuit board, battery, sound card and etc. These are all hardware performing a different function for a different task which makes the entire system work as a computer device.

It is the same as in a human being. We have a head, body, and limps. On the body, it is joined with hands and legs. On the head, we have a few important sense organs. That is the brain, the eyes, nose, ears, and mouth. And inside the body, we have the heart, lungs, kidney, stomach, liver, bones and etc. These are human hardware. Each organ is designed to perform a different function for a different task so that the entire system can support a
person to function as a human being.

Image: Sensory organs [QS Study]

You should realize that your laptop computer is loaded with Windows 10 operating software. And the system allows you to run Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Spreadsheet, Microsoft PowerPoint, Adobe Reader, AutoCAD, watch a movie and listen to music. It can also allow you to get access to the web when it’s connected to the internet via a WIFI network.

Similarly, it is the same as a human being. When we are born, we are also loaded with a set of human software. In fact, human software is a lot more powerful than Microsoft Windows 10. Let me explain further.

We have mentioned briefly the sense organs and we also know that there are unique hardware organs found in a human being. The work of these five sense organs is to bring specific information from the external of a human into the mind of a person. Be it a sound, a sight, a taste, a smell, or a touch, such information is channeled into the mind via the sense organ for processing. An analysis is quickly done to match this information to what we already have in our memory bank. We may not realize it but all these are done at lightning speed. Spontaneously after the information is processed, the mind can tell if that sound was loud or soft, that sight was beautiful or ugly, that taste was sweet or sour, that smell was nice or pungent and that touch was smooth or rough. This is just one of the many prevailing functions of what a human mind can do.

We are lucky that we (human beings) are loaded with a very complex software system. After matching that information about sound, taste, sight, smell, and touch the information is then sent on to another software system to process further. A human being is also equipped with a unique software called emotion. Here the emotion software will accept or reject after analyzing that information. Naturally, our (human beings) software is programmed to accept things that make us happy and reject those that we don't like. Things like a bad smell, ugly look, bitter taste and etc., we discard them away.\

Image: Selection to be happy or sad [Drawception]

Finally, we are very fortunate to have an intellectual mind that could think. We can think about what is needed. We make decisions all the time. It is natural that we think and react according to our conscience and the way we are trained to do so. We also have a choice to remain natural. There are time and matter we do not need to make a decision. We stay neutral.

There are a trillion things our mind can do. We can imagine things. We can conceptualize new ideas. We can solve problems. We have the ability to think creatively.

Believe it or not, we have a mind that works much more efficiently than the fastest microprocessor you can find in the market. It can process information a few hundred times faster than the speed of lightning. Our mind can store memory larger than the ocean. Its mental strength is stronger than titanium steel. The mental eyes can see further than the galaxy. That’s why we are called Manusia. See you next week for another tip for an inventor.

Be cre8tive selalu.

If you miss the previous tip, here you are:

