Siamese Net, Triplet Loss, and Circle Loss Explained.

Understanding “Circle Loss: A Unified Perspective of Pair Similarity Optimization” Paper

Fathy Rashad




When I was reading a machine learning paper about a new loss function, Circle Loss, I had a hard time understanding it. Searching for an easier explanation in Medium also gave me no result ☹️, since it’s a recent paper just from this month, June 2020. Hence, why I decided to write this article to provide an easier explanation for other people and also document my learning.

Table of Content

  1. Prerequisites
  2. Siamese Network
  3. Triplet Loss
  4. Circle Loss


  1. Machine Learning basics
  2. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)

To understand Circle Loss, previous knowledge of neural networks, CNN, Siamese Network, and Triplet Loss would be extremely helpful. I will briefly explain Siamese Network and Triplet Loss in this article but feel free to read more on neural networks and CNN on other articles as I will not cover these topics here.

Siamese Network

