Future of Artificial intelligence

santosh kumar


Artificial intelligence is one of the most predicted and on-going technologies that is changing the view of the workplace and in the human’s personal life. Is Artificial intelligence(AI) is the next big thing ?. How Artificial intelligence impact us and what will be the future of Artificial intelligence ?. Let’s see…

Many of the companies like Google, Uber and other are using AI to produce a self-driving car’s. The impact of AI is also seen in many other fields like sports, chatbots, natural language, defense, financial and many others. What actually is Artificial intelligence? , Artificial intelligence is a technology where the machines are trained to be intelligent. Machines are powered up to act like humans (yet there should be complete progress). Rather nowadays there are few robots’s which can mimic human-like feelings with more accuracy. In which field do Artificial intelligence can impact ?. Recent studies and the things that are happening in the technical world it is been proved that you name the field and we can see AI in it much of the thing it can impact education and transportation.

In the future, we will be seeing a huge increase in the automation of the processes through the involvement of the AI enabled machines.

Few the predictive fields where AI can fit and bring changes are:
Robots for disaster management: Robots that are trained well with the human intellects are taken and will be used to tackle the extreme situations. Robots will play a vital role in maintaining and managing disasters. For example, AI-driven rescue apps can send human with the precautionary messages when that place hits with flood or landslides. AI-driven robots can be used defusing bombs and in future, there may be AI-driven robots available in defense services.
Smart computers to solve the climate changes: Nowadays, there are systems which are really becoming smarter which can answer any question with the awareness of the user’s context. These abilities giving promise to the future world that even the most difficult thing like predicting the most complex field like climate changes can be visualized and provide the necessary precautions according to the climate changes.
Automation in transportation: We the introduction of automation, a driverless car is a reality now. With-in years by we can see fully automated vehicles on roads. Things like environments changes and proper road safety are a major concern while dealing with the automated vehicles. Automated vehicles with the these trained aspects init which can handle any sort of conditions are being implemented and are trained. The day-to-day increase in power of AI giving us hope that in no time we can see the fully automated driverless cars at grasp.
Cyborg Technology: AI with the capability to with-stand and observe the human functionality, cyborg technology is one sort where AI looks totally futuristic. The future with this technology is totally an exciting possibility, with the chances that it can restore and even enhance human bodily functionality.

There might be many use cases using AI but it depends on how the human race will capture the best use-cases. This article was just a brief of some of the areas where AI is been implemented but there is many more to come. In conclusion, machines that are trained and having human intelligence can become good companions in the nearby future. Already devices have become a greater part of our daily life. In the coming years, they will only acquire more human role and outward behavior


