Become the best driver in Poland!

Published in
2 min readSep 17, 2018

There are more than 3,000 people killed on roads annually in Poland. The main problem is related to breaking the speed limits!


Poland is working hard to change the situation and adopted a Vision ZERO program with a goal to reduce the number of fatalities in 2050 as close as possible to zero.

It’s a challenging program and we want to help make it happen with VivaDrive. VivaDrive is an AI-powered solution for car companies (fleets, car insurers, leasing, …) and allows them to create engaging and efficient loyalty and improvement programs for drivers. Basically, we help create safe and efficient car drivers.

We join forces with a CSR initiative called “Pierwszopomocni na drodze” supported by General Director for National Roads and Motorways and Polish Motor Association. Pierwszopomocni focuses on educating Polish drivers on road safety and rescue. This summer Pierwszopomocni organized a series of workshops, where they did a tremendous work helping drivers learn first aid, using a defibrillator or saving a truck driver trapped in a truck. Visit their Facebook page to learn more.

Now it’s time to educate drivers on how to adopt safe driving behavior using the latest mobile technology. At VivaDrive we have an experience how to help people drive better and do it in an efficient and engaging way.

Become the best driver in Poland!

We are launching an app (Road Skippers) for drivers that

  • analyzes how you drive;
  • gets you a personalized feedback with information on how to become the best driver in Poland;
  • allows you to participate in a game and compete with other drivers.

We will run a special campaign called “The best driver in Poland” and by the end of October, we should know who deserves to be called like that.

It’s simple

  • download the Road Skippers app (iOS, Android)
  • create an account;
  • start driving well;
  • participate in a Game and WIN!

We have many surprises on the way :)

Enjoy being a Road Skippers,
VivaDrive team!




VivaDrive is a solution for fleet companies to reduce TCO costs, and recommends how to introduce electric vehicles in a fleet