5 Entrepreneur Routines that Really Work

Eva Westphal
Published in
3 min readOct 18, 2018

If you clicked on this article, I’m guessing you’re either an entrepreneur or someone who needs to get into a solid routine (or maybe both). Maybe you’re used to running to catch the bus each morning, or waking up at irregular times, or maybe you even have such a non-routine going that you consider chaos your routine. Either way, you’ve come to the right place, because we’re all here working to turn that chaos into structure. Sometimes all it takes is a little helpful hand to get your innovation skills going, and thankfully our team here at Vivaio has got your back. So, without further ado, we present to you 5 entrepreneur routines that actually work.

Routine 1: Make sure to get your sleep schedule in check. Sure, the stereotype of the perpetually-awake entrepreneur persists for a reason, but at the end of the day, your productivity long-term hinges upon having a good sleep routine. If you’re still hesitant, just try it — 10pm, even though it’s dinner time in Spain, can actually be an amazing time to get your zzz’s in.

Routine 2: Wake up and wash. Yep, you heard that right. Remember, basic hygiene goes even further than you think in this world — it makes you feel and look more presentable and ready to take on the world, which is what you’ve come here to do. Plus, it never hurts to have an extra wake-me-up method, second only to coffee.

Routine 3: Before you go to bed, turn your phone off. Turn your notifications from co-workers off, turn everything to “do not disturb.” Even better, have your phone charging outside of your room. Studies indicate that shutting off your phone helps melatonin work more effectively, giving you a better night’s sleep and getting YOU a better morning after your slumber :)

Routine 4: Eat green things. A lot. I know, I know, it sounds cliché, but cliché’s are cliché’s for a reason and there’s lots of nutritious reasons to follow this routine. Every time you sit down for lunch or dinner, try to add something green to whatever it is, even if it’s just one little piece of broccoli. After a while, this green accumulates and you hopefully get used to it (and dare we say, want to have more?) You’ll feel better afterwards, promise.

Routine 5: The weekend is for rest, not just play. Sure, we’re assuming you’re young, hip, and full of innovative excitement, but try to give yourself time to snooze, read a book, snuggle with a pet, or just plain close your eyes for a bit. At the end of the day, an entrepreneurial brain is worth nothing if it’s not well taken care of, because we all fizzle out if we don’t actively take steps against it.

So there you go, 5 ridiculously easy to integrate routines that may just be the reason you start feeling like you have all your sh*t together. And remember, innovators, you are the driving force of the future, but you also gotta make sure you’re not running your body into the ground.



Eva Westphal

Currently with Vivaio Ventures in Madrid; student at Columbia University.