Now you can transfer up to 100.000€ to any Eurozone Bank account with SEPA Instant!

Viva Wallet
Viva Wallet Blog
Published in
1 min readDec 14, 2021

We are happy to announce, that starting today, all Viva Wallet customers can instantly send up to 100.000€ from their accounts to any Eurozone SEPA affiliated bank account via SEPA Instant credit transfer.

What is SEPA Instant?

The Single European Payment Area (SEPA) initiative is expanding, bringing the vision of a truly unified European Payments landscape closer to a reality. With the new SEPA Instant, businesses and individuals can send or receive euro transfers instantly to or from any country in the Eurozone.

SEPA Instant allows you to transfer up to 100.000€ to any Eurozone IBAN account from a bank that supports SEPA Instant credit transfer. Euro transfers through SEPA instant are typically completed in less than 10 seconds, with the cost per transaction being 0,80€.

As Viva Wallet is a part of the SEPA network, anyone with a Viva Wallet Account can send or receive SEPA Instant transfers.



Viva Wallet
Viva Wallet Blog

Viva Wallet is a European Fintech disruptor on a mission to change how businesses pay and get paid.