This Christmas upgrade your physical and online shop with Viva Wallet

Viva Wallet
Viva Wallet Blog
Published in
3 min readDec 6, 2021

The festive period is fast approaching and with a rise in global savings, merchants are preparing for an especially busy Christmas season. At Viva Wallet, we are here to help you make the most of it, but to do that you need both a great physical presence and a strong online offering.

Whether you already have an established online presence, or you are just setting up your e-shop, Viva Wallet’s payment tools can take your online business to the next level. With Smart Checkout, our innovative hosted payment page, you can easily increase your sales with very little effort on your part.

For starters, it offers more than 20 payment methods including PayPal, Google Pay, Apple Pay and many others. But Smart Checkout also remembers customer preferences even across different merchants and thus, it can show the customer the payment methods most likely to convert. It even remembers their card information from previous transactions, using card tokenization.

Of course, you can choose which payment methods your offer and the order in which they appear, whilst there are plenty of customization options for your checkout page. It really is no wonder, then, that Smart Checkout can increase conversion rates by more than 20%, as it makes the customer journey so much faster and easier.

And the best part? Not only is Smart Checkout free, but it’s also very easy to integrate, with no coding skills required from you. After you’ve started using Smart Checkout, you can sit back and leave the rest to us, since it doesn’t require any effort to always have updated. Viva Wallet deals on an ongoing basis with any enhancements to offer new features and additional payment methods as well as the continuous compliance with ever-changing regulatory requirements.

Now that you have your online payment solution all figured out, let’s talk about physical transactions. The Christmas period is notoriously busy and in today’s climate, it’s imperative you don’t let your shop get too overcrowded, allowing big queues to form. Thankfully, the Viva Wallet POS App can help you with exactly that.

With the Tap on Phone feature, which you will find inside the app, every employee an turn their smartphone* into a card terminal, without the need for any additional hardware. This means that, with minimal effort, every single employee can complete a transaction, by accepting card payments anywhere inside your store.

Essentially, you are using your employees’ mobile devices to create new cash desks out of thin air, which can be extremely useful at times of increased traffic, as they are helping to relieve pressure from the cash registers. Tap on Phone transactions are enabled by NFC technology, which most smartphones and smartwatches are equipped with. At the point of sale, the customer will pay by simply tapping their card, smartphone, or smartwatch on the back of the employee’s phone, with the receipt being sent via email or SMS.

In short, the customers get to do their holiday shopping faster, whilst you get to accommodate more people. You manage to take advantage of the festive season and increase your sales, without letting your shop overflow with customers.

And like with Smart Checkout, the Viva Wallet POS app and the Tap on Phone feature come totally free of charge. Once you register for your free Viva Wallet business account, you are ready to go! So what are you waiting for?

Make yourself the ideal Christmas present and start using Viva Wallet’s services to easily upgrade both your online and physical store! That way, you can ensure that your profits don’t drop, even if measures to combat the pandemic (lockdowns, Christmas market closures) are imposed.

*”Tap on Phone” feature requires Android 8.1 and above, NFC-enabled device.



Viva Wallet
Viva Wallet Blog

Viva Wallet is a European Fintech disruptor on a mission to change how businesses pay and get paid.