2019 goals — Running, cycling, life and health

Chris James Smith
Vivi Nation
Published in
3 min readJan 15, 2019

Thinking about where I was this time last year, it’s mad to think how different my goals are this year. To start with, being what I’d call a non-runner, I never thought I’d be training for a marathon.

I’m not there yet, but my running has come on leaps and bounds. This time last year, I struggled to finish a 5k run in under 30 minutes. Now, I can run 10k fairly comfortably, my 5k time is comfortably under 30 minutes, I completed the Great South Run in 1:38 in October and I’ve got two half marathons within the next month.

It’s important to have goals. They will help you stay on track and they keep you motivated. And it’s a self-fulfilling prophecy — the healthier and fitter you get, the more likely you are to achieve your goals. That doesn’t just apply to fitness goals, either. It applies to your life goals.

Whether your aim is to improve your fitness/performance or become more productive at work, becoming healthier is vital.

Just remember, your 2019 goals don’t have to be set in stone. They will likely change as the year goes on. Here’s my fitness and life goals for 2019:


  • Complete my first marathon (Brighton Marathon) in under 5 hours
  • Complete either the Portsmouth Half Marathon or Hampton Court Half Marathon in under 2:10 hours
  • Run a 5k PB
  • Encourage others to start running



  • Finish my novel
  • Post at least one Vivi blog a week
  • Grow the Vivi community by 50%
  • Organise my next charity challenge — possibly the Welsh Three Peaks
  • Lose one stone before my wedding (Aug 2019)


  • Add strength training into my fitness regime
  • Reduce alcohol consumption
  • Take recovery more seriously (rest, stretching, etc)
  • Maintain a healthier diet
  • Get back into football and tennis

There’s mine. What goals do you have for 2019? Let us know on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, or get in touch here.

Stay positive and smash those goals this year.

Originally published at www.vivination.co.uk on January 15, 2019.

