高蛋白High Protein X高纖High fiber

臻的很好吃_Eat with Vivi
3 min readNov 30, 2019

無罪惡感又美味的自製早餐鬆餅!Guiltless and healthy DIY pancake!


Thank god it’s Saturday! Instead of sleeping in, we should cherish the precious morning. There are several benefits to wake up early, you will have more time to complete your to-do list, AND you will be able to enjoy the sunshine and the breakfast! Let’s brew some tea and play some jazz music, you will only need 15 minutes to make this yummy & healthy weekend breakie!

-香蕉燕麥優格鬆餅-Banana yogurt oatmeal pancake-


  1. 香蕉半根(越熟越好)
  2. 燕麥(1/2杯)
  3. 雞蛋(1顆)
  4. 希臘優格(1/2杯)
  5. 肉桂粉(1茶匙)
  6. 葡萄乾(想吃多少灑多少)
  7. 南瓜籽(依個人喜好,也可加堅果)
  8. 少許鹽

ingredients: (another super easy and economical recipe! The ingredients are easy to get)

  1. 1/2 ripe banana
  2. 1/2 cup of oats
  3. 1 big egg
  4. 1/2 cup of Greek yogurt
  5. 1 tsp ground cinnamon
  6. Raisins (depend on how much you’d like)
  7. pumpkin seeds
  8. a pinch of salt
-簡單又營養的材料- Simple and nutritious ingredients


  1. 先將鍋子加入並噴少許油預熱(我用噴式酪梨油,比較可以拿捏用量以免手滑倒了一堆油)
  2. 將半根香蕉搗成泥,加入燕麥、希臘優格與雞蛋,並且攪拌均勻。
  3. 撒上肉桂粉與少許鹽,提味用。
  4. 將上述拌勻食材一湯匙一湯匙的倒入鍋中(如下圖)


  1. preheat your pan with a spray of oil (I used sprayed avocado oil to avoid pouring too much oil accidentally)
  2. Mash your 1/2 ripe banana, and mix it with oats, Greek yogurt, and egg.
  3. Sprinkle some salt and ground cinnamon to taste.
  4. Scoop the batter onto the hot pan (as the picture below)

5. 再放上葡萄乾(當時應該要擺個笑臉的,比較可愛哈哈)

5. Add some raisins on top of the pancake (I should make it as a smiling face lol it would be cuter)

6. 一面大概煎個2–3分鐘,翻面再煎個2–3分鐘直到鬆餅顯現漂亮的金黃色。如下圖,鬆餅就這樣完成啦!此時香氣四溢,配上它可愛的模樣,真的是令我垂涎三尺。

6. Cook about 2–3 minutes, then turn the side for another 2–3 minutes until lightly golden on both sides. We can see from the picture below, the pancake is ready! The smell is so good and with its cute looking, I can longer wait anymore to eat!

-煎好的美味又可愛鬆餅- cute and yummy pancake is ready to be served!


You can decorate your pancake as you want since it’s a lovely Saturday morning hehe. I sliced the rest of the bananas aside and added some pumpkin seeds with honey. I also put a spoon of original yogurt (low sugar version) on top of my pancakes. You can replace it with butter, fresh cream or even ice cream as you want (I prefer healthier version haha) So here’s your efficient, nutritious and yummy breakfast!

這個香蕉優格燕麥鬆餅真的是出乎意料的好吃。跟一般鬆餅比起來,它吃起來一樣的鬆軟香甜,少了一份罪惡感卻又能享受一樣的美味~ 以上的食譜大概可以煎出5–6片鬆餅左右,大約是兩人的份量。

希望你們也喜歡喔~週末愉快! ❤

This Banana yogurt oatmeal pancake is surprisingly yummy. Compare to the normal version, it has the same fluffy and sweet taste, but with less guiltiness! The ingredients above yields 5–6 pancakes, about 2 people’s portion.

I hope you guys enjoy it as well! Happy weekends! ❤



臻的很好吃_Eat with Vivi

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