Why we need a real life “Richard Hendricks” …

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3 min readJul 18, 2018
Richard Hendricks in Silicon Valley

(Welcome to the first article of our article series — “Techonomics” where we would look at different aspects of the emerging technologies & it’s affect on economics , technology & society )

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Richard Hendricks is a fictional character (played by Thomas Middleditch) as CEO of the to-be-fictional-unicorn Piedpier and he invented a middle-out compression technology which would change the world in the fictional universe of piedpier forever , but we certainly don’t have that tech in this planet and it’s quite unfortunate. But it would be an amazing thing if this happened and here’s why -

Improvement in Healthcare -

A compression algorithm can help the entire“Healthcare” system

Let’s start from how data compression systems can make healthcare systems universally accessible to everyone across the globe -

Let’s assume that you are a person in one of the poorest nations or cities of the planet like Democratic republic of Congo (DRC) or Liberia . Then the healthcare system of your nation is backward and that it’s nearly impossible for you to get access to the facilities which is easily accessible to most of the people in the developed nations. And as the data compression becomes more efficient with passing time , so will the access to internet as this will reduce the cost of data accessibility and this will allow medical consultancy and medical diagnosis more accessible remotely and that too at much more cheaper way. And in fact , a much more data efficient systems could make healthcare much more cheaply accessible even in the most advanced and developed nations where the cost of healthcare is soo high that it’s nearly getting out of reach for most of the common people.

Owly in bad health

So what does remote medical diagnosis and remote medical consultancy means?

It means that you don’t need to visit a doctor nearby for medical consultancy and though this is accessible now in form of many mobile applications available but it’s still in it’s infancy. And what does remote medical diagnosis means — It basically means that in this case you do have to access a medical center nearby where your medical diagnostics will be collected and directly sent to your doctor via internet at a feasible rate , because of enhanced data compression rate.

So , now we know how a compression system can change the entire healthcare system. Hence let’s look at other aspects of what an amazing data compression system can do.

Now let’s give a look at poverty and how data compression systems can actually make people more employable and reduce poverty at a rate unimaginable.

So , it’s going to happen , now or later …

What you can take for granted about from an efficient data compression system is that it makes internet more cheaper than you can ever imagine because the data compression ratio is high. So how can cheaper internet powered by data compression system reduce poverty ?? It’s due to the reason that when internet becomes cheaper so does accessibility to online educational courses and online skill-development programs which could essentially help people to learn and educate themselves on multiple fields leading to employment. Online education also empowers entrepreneurs with less or no educational backgrounds further leading to access to increase in employment.

So, yeah online education increases employment and decreases poverty.

For any additional information or corrections , you can mail to us at vivlio@protonmail.com




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