How I Used The Pandemic to Pivot My Business

Jess Shanahan
Vixe Collective
Published in
3 min readOct 21, 2020


Photo by Randy Tarampi on Unsplash

In early 2020, I was still relying on my motorsport side hustle to keep me afloat but when all sport stopped dead thanks to COVID-19, I knew I needed to do something drastic.

In 2012, I started the agency Jet Social. I wanted it to be a high-level full-service agency that, eventually, would have staff and offices. In the beginning, it was just me, acting like a London agency — thinking it would help me land big-ticket clients. It did OK but I was only churning out small bits of work or had very small retainers. It wasn’t exactly what I’d envisioned.

While I kept the Jet Social name and operated under it as a LTD company, the agency itself fizzled out and I switched to being a journalist and automotive influencer. That worked really well, even more so when I launched the ‘side hustle’ that took over my life. Working in motorsport and writing about cars gave me my dream job.

The global pandemic took that away.

But I never felt lost. In fact, being stuck at home (and briefly in Barcelona) during lockdown gave me the perfect opportunity to look at my business and what was next. I had a drop in income and, even more frustratingly, I lost two big clients before their projects had even started.



Jess Shanahan
Vixe Collective

Writing things to help you succeed. A Jess-of-all-trades. Usually found around race cars. Sign up to my Substack here: