How to Deal With Overwhelm as a Freelancer

Jess Shanahan
Vixe Collective
Published in
5 min readFeb 18, 2020


Sometimes things can just get on top of you.

Overwhelm and stress are two very different things. Overwhelm is the feeling of too much going on. Drowning under a sea of deadlines. An email inbox showing hundreds of unread messages. That course you know you need to do but haven’t been able to because you’re only just keeping your head above water with client work. And then there are all the things you want to do in your business.

We’ve all been there.

Stress is often a reaction to overwhelm. And while it’s important to know how to manage stress, avoiding overwhelm in the first place is a great way to prevent a lot of heartache.

Overwhelm is often a symptom of trying to do too much. It’s about getting weighed down — be that at work or in your personal life. Here are some tips for dealing with overwhelm.

Get organised

When you’ve got so much going on, it’s important to make sure you are organised. Otherwise, this can lead to missed deadlines and unhappy clients, which is not…



Jess Shanahan
Vixe Collective

Writing things to help you succeed. A Jess-of-all-trades. Usually found around race cars. Sign up to my Substack here: