29 Alexa Skills to Hack Your Morning Routine & Get Back to Work

James “JP “ Poulter
Vixen Labs
Published in
4 min readAug 29, 2019


September creates serious back-to-school (and work) vibes. Voice can help make waking up and getting out of the door as easy as possible.

Wake up

Gone are the days of compulsory bee-beeps. Radio station, song, or suitably surprising noise — your Alexa device can play whatever you tell it to.

Say: “Alexa, wake me up to [song name] by [artist] at [time]”.

To further automate your morning routine, go to the Alexa app and set up, well, an Alexa Routine. Using smart home actions could see your device turning the lights on, boiling the kettle, or playing the radio. Delay steps with the Wait action.

Check news and weather

Nothing like optimistically donning your most summery shirt to make the skies darken. Check in with Big Sky or the Met Office skills to know whether you’ll need that umbrella.

Get ahead of what’s happening in the world — locally, nationally, and internationally — with your Flash Briefing. Customise in the Alexa app to include, for example, BBC Minute, The Telegraph, and even the latest updates from Princeton Tigers.

Move your body



James “JP “ Poulter
Vixen Labs

CEO and Co-Founder of Vixen Labs, Innovation and Marketing through voice and conversational technology. Professional Podcast Host & Speaker.