Workshop Coffee Partners with Vixen Labs to Release Amazon Alexa Skill

Jen Heape
Vixen Labs
Published in
3 min readAug 5, 2019


Do you prefer the Moccamaster, V60 or French Dripper? And how’s your spiral pouring technique?

Grabbing a takeout cup or mixing up some instant is pretty appealing when faced with the apparent complexity of home brewing. That’s why Workshop Coffee reached out to us — to see how an interactive Amazon Alexa skill could demystify the art of making coffee. The interactions centre around 5 step-by-step audio guides, each taking users through a popular brewing technique.

The entirety of Workshop Coffee’s Alexa skill was developed in house at Vixen Labs: from the scriptwriting and VUX design, through to code development and certification. Anyone who’s visited Vixen Labs HQ will know how much we love coffee — and with Workshop Coffee being London’s go-to for everything from beans on subscription to a roastery masterclass, it was an exciting project for our design studio to take on.

“Vixen Labs have been invaluable in bringing these audio brew guides to fruition. Their knowledge, experience and understanding of voice technology have meant the end result is wonderfully intuitive and as good as it can possibly be,” explained Richard Frazier, Workshop Coffee’s CMO.

The Vixen Labs team knew this Skill could be a success: you want to be hands-free to perfect that pouring technique, so chatting through Alexa beats scrolling one-handed down a webpage any day.

As well as guiding users through the crucial steps to brewing that next-level morning cuppa, the guides have built-in timers. No awkward fumble for your phone’s Clock app.

Voice-enabling everyday tasks is a hugely valuable way to make use of the nearly-1 in 4 homes in the UK with a smart speaker. Creating an enjoyable, practical aid helps to position a brand as one that consumers will want to hear more from.

As Richard said:
“We’re committed to giving people access to the best coffee possible wherever and whenever they choose to drink it and are continually exploring new ways that we can do that.

To be able to add an interactive audio element to our online brew guides not only makes sense — it also makes them even more useful.

Our hope is more people discover how easy it can be to brew exceptional cups of coffee at home.”

To launch, simply say:

‘Alexa, ask Workshop Coffee for the Aeropress / V60 / Moccamaster / Clever Dripper / French Press Brew Guide.’

Every first time user who completes a guide will hear James, Workshop Coffee’s Head of Quality, offer them a thank you freebie — so get brewing! ☕️

Thinking of bringing your business into the Voice First landscape? Vixen Labs offer design services as well as workshops. (And we’ve no excuse not to brew the perfect cup of coffee while we’re at it.)



Jen Heape
Vixen Labs

CCO & Co-Founder of Vixen Labs, a voice consultancy specialising in voice first & conversational technology strategy, experience and marketing.