Blockchain Meets Traditional Finance: The Vixichain’s Solution

Leo Okore
Published in
5 min readMay 24, 2024

The financial world is at a crossroads. On the one hand, there is a growing demand for the efficiency and transparency promised by emerging technologies like blockchain, on the other hand, traditional financial institutions still maintain a safe distance — creating a gap. This gap is mostly a result of unclear regulations and users’ privacy concerns.

To thrive in this evolving landscape, the global financial infrastructure needs a solution that bridges this gap. The answer lies in blending the reliability and structure of traditional institutions with the efficiency and transparency of blockchain technology.

Merging these seemingly disparate elements holds the potential to create a future where financial interactions are secure, seamless, and empowering.

Traditional Finance: Strengths and Pitfalls

Traditional financial institutions offer a crucial element — trust. Their adherence to stringent regulatory standards and commitment to security have instilled confidence in consumers and businesses alike.

However, the conventional processes they employ are often marred by inefficiencies, characterized by manual interventions, and convoluted procedures that result in prolonged transaction times and elevated costs.

For instance, international transactions facilitated through systems like SWIFT (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication) and SEPA (Single Euro Payments Area) frequently encounter obstacles such as high fees, lengthy processing times, and a lack of transparency.

These shortcomings underscore the pressing need for innovative solutions that can alleviate these pain points while preserving the trust and reliability associated with traditional finance.

Blockchain technology, on the other hand, brings a revolutionary approach to recordkeeping and transacting. Its ledger, shared across a network of computers, offers unmatched transparency and immutability.

Transactions are secure, verifiable, and readily accessible to all participants, reducing the risk of fraud and errors.

Additionally, smart contracts — self-executing agreements written on the blockchain — automate processes, potentially streamlining transactions and reducing costs.

The Key Is to Find the Optimal Balance

Unlocking the full potential of both traditional finance and blockchain technology requires a strategic integration that harnesses the strengths of both worlds. This entails a multifaceted approach that encompasses the following:

Building private blockchains:

Traditional institutions can leverage permissioned blockchains to maintain control and comply with regulatory frameworks while harnessing the transparency and immutability inherent in blockchain technology.

By restricting access to pre-approved participants, these institutions can ensure data integrity and security while benefiting from streamlined processes and reduced operational costs.

Developing hybrid solutions:

Hybrid solutions offer a pragmatic approach to integrating blockchain into existing financial systems. Organizations can seamlessly transition to a more efficient and transparent operational model. They can achieve this by selectively implementing blockchain for specific functions, such as trade financing or cross-border payments while retaining their traditional infrastructure.

Prioritizing user experience:

User experience lies at the heart of successful user acquisition efforts. Designing intuitive interfaces that cater to both tech and non-savvy users is paramount to fostering widespread adoption and acceptance of blockchain-based solutions.

Achieving this balance involves meticulous design considerations and iterative improvements aimed at ensuring accessibility and intuitiveness.

This synergistic approach offers several benefits:

Enhanced security:

Blockchain’s cryptographic mechanisms and decentralized architecture provide a robust defense against fraud and cyberattacks, safeguarding sensitive financial data and transactions.

Increased efficiency:

Blockchain’s integration into financial systems introduces automation capabilities through smart contracts. These self-executing contracts contain predefined rules and conditions, automatically executing transactions once the agreed-upon criteria are met.

This automation eliminates the need for intermediaries and manual processing, reducing administrative overhead and potential human errors. Consequently, transaction processing times are significantly accelerated, enabling near-instantaneous settlement compared to traditional systems.

Greater transparency:

The transparent and immutable nature of blockchain fosters trust and accountability by providing all authorized participants with real-time visibility into transactional activities, thereby mitigating the risk of fraud and enhancing regulatory compliance.

Ultimately, embracing the positive aspects of both traditional and innovative approaches is the only way we can forge a future of trustworthy finance, empowering consumers, and businesses to transact with confidence and peace of mind.

Towards a Collaborative Financial Ecosystem with Vixichain

By fostering dialogue between traditional institutions, technology innovators, and regulators, we can develop solutions that harness the power of both established structures and innovative technologies. This collaborative approach is exemplified by Vixichain.

Vixichain offers an automated financial platform that integrates traditional financial institutions into the blockchain environment. This unique approach allows it to operate within stringent regulatory frameworks while providing a user-first experience.

This fusion of technology and tradition aims to redefine financial transactions and make them more aligned with the evolving digital economy.

Vixichain offers an automated financial platform that integrates traditional financial institutions into the blockchain environment. This unique approach allows it to operate within stringent regulatory frameworks while providing a user-first experience.

This fusion of technology and tradition aims to redefine financial transactions and make them more aligned with the evolving digital economy.

In terms of transparency, Vixichain’s Private blockchain stands out as a key differentiator. This architecture utilizes a need-to-know system to ensure user privacy while maintaining the transparency needed for regulatory compliance.

This innovative approach balances transparency for authorities and privacy for users, making the platform ideal for secure and efficient financial operations.

When it comes to compliance, Vixichain integrates financial institutions as validators, allowing users to select their preferred bank for each transaction. This innovative Proof of Trust (POT) mechanism replaces traditional mining or staking with an auction system where institutions compete for transaction validation based on risk analysis. This fosters decentralization while ensuring compliance and competitive transaction costs.

By incentivizing financial institutions to participate as network validators, Vixichain creates a sustainable ecosystem where all stakeholders are rewarded for their contributions. This collaborative model strengthens the integrity of the network and drives efficiency and cost-effectiveness for users and institutions.

From a broader perspective, Vixichain represents a forward-thinking effort to redefine financial transactions in a manner that is secure, efficient, and inclusive.

By leveraging the collective expertise of traditional institutions and the disruptive potential of blockchain technology, Vixichain is paving the way for a more reliable and resilient financial future



Leo Okore

Leo is the Content Manager at Vixichain and holds a Masters Degree in Behavioural Economics. He writes about cryptocurrencies and everything web3.