Understanding Permissioned Blockchain: A Deep-Dive

Leo Okore
Published in
6 min readJun 19, 2024

To understand permissioned blockchains like Vixichain and the role they play in the digital landscape, it is important to comprehend why they are a necessity.

Imagine a grand castle perched high on a hill, surrounded by a formidable wall. This castle is not just a piece of architecture; it’s a fortress protecting invaluable treasures. Only a select few, who possess the right keys and credentials, are allowed entry. This castle, with its high security and controlled access, is a metaphor for a permissioned blockchain.

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital technology, the concept of blockchain has become synonymous with transparency, decentralization, and immutability.

However, not all blockchains are created equally. While public blockchains like Bitcoin and Ethereum are open to anyone who wants to join, permissioned blockchains are like that grand castle — access is granted only to those who meet specific criteria.

This article explores the concept of permissioned blockchains, delving into their unique features, benefits, and real-world applications.

What is a Permissioned Blockchain?

A permissioned blockchain is a type of blockchain where access to the network and its activities is restricted to approved participants, allowing for controlled and secure management of data and transactions by a central authority or consortium. This ensures higher levels of privacy, security, and compliance compared to public blockchains.

4 Features of Permissioned Blockchains: The Castle Walls

To understand permissioned blockchain, we must first deconstruct its core elements, much like examining the structural components of a castle.

1. Controlled Access: The Gate

At the heart of a permissioned blockchain lies controlled access. Imagine a gatekeeper standing guard, meticulously checking the credentials of every visitor before allowing them entry. In a permissioned blockchain, this gatekeeper role is played by an administrator or a consortium of entities who define the rules of access.

Unlike public blockchains, where anyone with a computer can join the network, permissioned blockchains require participants to be pre-approved, ensuring that only trusted entities gain access.

2. Identity Verification: The Secret Key

Each person entering the castle must present a secret key, a unique identifier that proves their legitimacy.

In a permissioned blockchain, participants must verify their identity using cryptographic keys. This ensures that every participant is known and accountable, drastically reducing the risk of malicious activity.

3. Transaction Privacy: The Hidden Chambers

While public blockchains broadcast transactions to the entire network, a permissioned blockchain is like a castle with hidden chambers — transactions are recorded, but only visible to those with the right permissions.

This feature is crucial for businesses that need to maintain confidentiality, such as financial institutions or healthcare providers.

4. Consensus Mechanism: The Council of Elders

In the castle, important decisions are made by a council of elders who debate and reach a consensus on matters of governance. Similarly, permissioned blockchains use a consensus mechanism that is often controlled by a group of trusted nodes.

These nodes validate and approve transactions, ensuring that the blockchain remains secure and tamper-proof.

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5 Benefits of Permissioned Blockchains: The Treasures Within

Permissioned blockchains offer a plethora of benefits that make them an attractive option for businesses and organizations. Let’s explore these benefits, akin to discovering the hidden treasures within our metaphorical castle.

1. Enhanced Security: The Impenetrable Fortress

One of the most significant advantages of permissioned blockchains is enhanced security. Since access is restricted and participants are known entities, the risk of malicious attacks is significantly lower.

The controlled environment acts as an impenetrable fortress, safeguarding the integrity of the blockchain.

2. Scalability: The Expanding Kingdom

Unlike public blockchains, which can become sluggish as the number of participants grows, permissioned blockchains can be optimized for scalability.

The network can expand its kingdom efficiently, accommodating an increasing number of transactions without compromising performance.

3. Compliance: The Law of the Land

For many industries, compliance with regulatory standards is non-negotiable. Permissioned blockchains, like a well-governed castle, can be designed to meet specific regulatory requirements, ensuring that transactions adhere to the law of the land. This feature is particularly beneficial for sectors such as finance, where compliance is critical.

4. Efficiency: The Streamlined Pathways

In our castle, secret passageways allow for quick and efficient movement. Similarly, permissioned blockchains offer streamlined pathways for transaction validation, reducing the need for the complex and resource-intensive processes found in public blockchains. This efficiency translates into faster transaction times and lower operational costs.

5. Data Privacy: The Guarded Archives

Permissioned blockchains are ideal for applications requiring high levels of data privacy. Much like guarded archives within a castle, sensitive information can be stored securely and accessed only by authorized personnel. This makes permissioned blockchains suitable for industries like healthcare, where patient confidentiality is paramount.

4 Real-World Applications of permissioned Blockchain:

The utility of permissioned blockchains extends far beyond theoretical benefits. Let’s explore how different industries are using this technology, much like various regions of a kingdom benefiting from the protection and governance of a central castle.

1. Finance: The Treasury

In the financial sector, permissioned blockchains serve as the treasury of the digital age. Banks and financial institutions use this technology to facilitate secure and efficient transactions, manage asset transfers, and ensure regulatory compliance.

For example, the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) is implementing a permissioned blockchain to replace its existing clearing and settlement system, promising increased efficiency, and reduced costs.

2. Healthcare: The Medical Library

In healthcare, permissioned blockchains act as a secure repository for patient records, akin to a medical library. This ensures that sensitive patient information is accessible only to authorized personnel, maintaining confidentiality while enabling efficient data sharing.

Projects like the MedRec system use blockchain to provide a decentralized record management system, improving data interoperability and patient care.

3. Supply Chain: The Royal Ledger

Supply chain management is another area where permissioned blockchains are making a significant impact. Much like a royal ledger that tracks the flow of goods within a kingdom, these blockchains provide a transparent and immutable record of product movement, enhancing traceability and reducing fraud.

Walmart, for instance, uses a permissioned blockchain to track the provenance of food items, improving food safety and transparency.

4. Government: The Council Chambers

Governments are also exploring permissioned blockchains for various applications, such as voting systems and public records management. These systems, like council chambers where decisions are made, ensure transparency, security, and efficiency in public administration.

Estonia, a pioneer in digital governance, uses blockchain to secure and manage its citizens’ data, from medical records to voting.

The Future of Permissioned Blockchain: The Expanding Horizon

As we look towards the future, the potential for permissioned blockchains to revolutionize industries and reshape our digital landscape is akin to an expanding horizon viewed from the castle’s highest tower.

1. Interoperability: The Bridge Between Castles

One of the key challenges and opportunities for permissioned blockchains is interoperability — the ability to connect and interact with other blockchains, both public and private.

Imagine a series of bridges linking various castles, facilitating the exchange of information and resources. Developing standardized protocols for interoperability will be crucial for the widespread adoption and integration of blockchain technology.

2. Smart Contracts: The Royal Decrees

Smart contracts, programmable contracts that automatically execute when conditions are met, are transforming how transactions are conducted on permissioned blockchains.

These contracts, like royal decrees, enforce agreements without the need for intermediaries, reducing costs and increasing efficiency.

3. Decentralized Applications: The Digital Guilds

Decentralized applications (Dapps) built on permissioned blockchains are akin to digital guilds, offering specialized services and solutions that leverage blockchain technology.

From financial services to supply chain management, these applications provide innovative ways to harness the power of blockchain.

4. Regulatory Evolution

As blockchain technology continues to evolve, so will the regulatory landscape. Governments and regulatory bodies will need to adapt, creating new laws and guidelines to ensure that permissioned blockchains are used responsibly and ethically.

This evolving framework will be crucial for fostering innovation while protecting the rights and interests of individuals and organizations.


Permissioned blockchains, with their emphasis on privacy, security, and compliance, offer a robust solution for businesses and organizations looking to harness the power of blockchain technology.

Much like a grand castle that protects and governs its domain, permissioned blockchains provide a secure and controlled environment for digital transactions and data management.

And as we continue to explore and expand the possibilities of blockchain technology, permissioned blockchains will play a pivotal role in shaping the future of our digital world. By understanding and embracing this powerful tool, we can unlock new opportunities for innovation, security, and growth.



Leo Okore

Leo is the Content Manager at Vixichain and holds a Masters Degree in Behavioural Economics. He writes about cryptocurrencies and everything web3.