A day in the life with: Anna Lake

Vizeum Global
Published in
5 min readJun 28, 2019

Each month we put the spotlight on one of our team to understand what a day in the life of their role actually means. For our second in the series, we talk to Anna Lake, Senior Global Marketing Manager about a day in the life at Cannes Lions.

I wake up at…

This week I was lucky, and I woke up around 07:30 every morning. It’s my fourth year at Cannes Lions, and the second year on a different team. In my old role, I had to be at the Dentsu Aegis Beach House at 07:30 to make sure the gorgeous space was ready to rock-and-roll for the day of events ahead.

The Beach House

At home and on a regular day, I wake up at 6:15 and go to the gym — it really sets me up for the day and means, whatever happens, I’ve started the day right.

My role involves…

At Cannes it literally could be anything — a few years ago I was tasked with finding a rather large suit for someone whose luggage had been lost and they were off to Monte-Carlo. But this year it’s been calmer — I was managing a panel on the future of cities with Vizeum’s Global President Thomas Le Thierry, Alex Bodman, Executive Creative Director at Spotify and Gill Huber, Chief Client Officer from Posterscope — moderated by Gordon Young, Editor-in-Chief at The Drum. I also look after dentsu X and was supporting a couple of sessions with the Young Marketers and a panel with Teads. Our business generally spends a lot of time investing time in up and coming talent which I find really rewarding.

Thomas Le Thierry kicking off The Future of Cities panel

At home, no two days are the same — I look after two brands across Content, Thought Leadership, External, Employee & Social so I can be building strategies, doing events, activating campaigns or supporting the Leadership team. It completely varies!

I got this job by…

Working up the ranks! I joined Dentsu Aegis Network when it was still Aegis Media — just under six years ago. We’re lucky here in that the way the business is built makes it really easy to step into new roles across the brands. I started in the Global Communications team as a Communications Exec, moved across to Carat and now look after dentsu X and Vizeum.

A typical day for me…

There is nothing typical about Cannes — nor Marketing for that matter. Most mornings I go straight to the Beach House to get our strategist’s daily insights from Cannes out to our employees and clients, before attending a few sessions in the Beach House, or our GMPs Beach Houses, or The Palais. There is so much interesting content to navigate! I then meet up with the strategist team to hear their out-takes from The Palais, do some filming and write-ups before attending an evening networking event, out for a late supper with colleagues or team.

Pride Day at Google Beach

To be honest, at home my day isn’t too different — I get to meet lots of people to discuss opportunities for content, but I also spend time writing content, plans or activating campaigns. It really depends on what is happening in the business — there is an element of planning in everything but you also have to be ready for anything.

The best thing about my role is…

No day is the same — I get to work on really interesting projects for really interesting people. I’m always learning new things about the industry or the world around me — so much of what is happening in the world filters down into brands and the way they are advertising. In terms of Cannes Lions in particular — it is an absolute privilege to be at an event where all the top brains of my business, my industry and the world beyond congregate together and talk about issues that will impact our industry for years to come. I also love to see the work, and particular the Grand Prix’s — the work considered the best of the year. How can you not love it!

After work I…

At Cannes, the working day can be until 21:00 — it is very busy. After the day is done, I tend to go to a social event hosted at the Beach House, out for supper with my team or colleagues and the perhaps a party on one of the yachts or at our media partners. It depends on what I have on the following day!

On a normal day, I might go to the theatre or meet up with friends over dinner. I like to keep my evenings busy — living in London it is so easy to do and there are so many different things going on, but I also need a couple of days a week to go home and chill-out.

I usually go home to

Bed…. At Cannes Lions you spend so little time in your apartment, it is literally back home, sleep for as many hours as possible and back to the grind!

In London, I love to cook — I find it really relaxing!

And at the weekend…

After Cannes, I normally spend a lovely weekend relaxing on my balcony, catching up on sleep and seeing friends over good food! Cannes in utterly exhausting but exhilarating and I end up running on adrenaline for a couple of days later!

See more about careers at Vizeum here.

