Halfway there…!

Liv Buli
Published in
2 min readNov 3, 2016
Our book cover makes this all seem very very real!

So if you have been following along with Vizkidz, you might know that we are a little more than halfway to our goal! That is crazy awesome and exciting, but we know there is plenty more work to be done over the next few weeks.

For those of you who still want to learn more about the project before pledging to the campaign, we suggest tuning in to our live stream tomorrow for a chance to ask a few questions. The team at Kickstarter has invited us to be part of the launch of their new feature, and Abby and I will host a Q&A this Thursday at 1pm ET!

We’ll share a bit about the project, how I think about telling stories (once more with feeling), how Abby thinks about design (all about that color and that brand), we’ll talk more about our characters and how they came about, and then open it up to the proverbial floor for questions.

Make sure you subscribe here so you don’t miss it: http://bit.ly/2egzi4o

We’ve got a bunch of other super exciting events coming up as well.

We’ve also scheduled our very. first. book reading! On Saturday November 12, we’ll basically be user testing our book on a whole bunch of three year olds at Edamama in Brooklyn, and hope we live to tell the tale.

We’re also over the moon to have been invited to join Enrico Bertini and Moritz Stefaner for a chat on their Data Stories podcast later this month. Previous interviewees include people like Amanda Cox (Editor of The Upshot, nbd *fangirling hard*) so we’re feeling a bit out of our league, but madly excited. More on that soon!

And finally, because we’re so excited about everything that is happening, we wanted to reward you all with more sneak peeks from the book. Check it out:

Have you met Penelope Pie?

Thanks again for any and all support, love, and hugs you’ve been sending during this first half of the campaign. For just a few more weeks we’re going to keep bugging you to pledge, share, and tell anyone who will listen about our project (even if you’re just telling them how we’re driving you nuts about this Kickstarter campaign 😉).

Here’s to teaching every kid about data visualization! And to eating a lot of pizza in the process!

(All for testing purposes of course.)




Liv Buli

VP, Editorial @civil. DJ is short for data journalist. Write kids books on data viz @viz_kidz. Preach/teach data @BerkleeOnline.