State of Georgia -v- Denver Allen gets ‘Rick and Morty’ treatment

Readers may recall that in June 2016 a court transcript appeared of an interaction between Judge Bryant Durham Jr. and a defendant by the name of Denver Fenton Allen.

Gavin Sheridan
2 min readOct 12, 2016


Allen, who was facing a murder charge, took the opportunity of the hearing to hurl insults at Judge Durham, a superior court judge in Floyd County, Georgia. Judge Durham retaliated to the insults, which led to the transcript of the hearing going viral.

The Washington Post reported:

Allen and Durham launched a series of crude obscenities and aggressive remarks at each other in a heated exchange that was filled with offensive language…

But now so popular has the transcript become, that fans of the adult cartoon comedy Rick and Morty have converted the transcript into an animation that will have you laughing out loud. You will need your headphones.

Everything said in the video was said in court, and it contains offensive language! Our favourite line?

“You have a constitutional right to be a dumbass!”

Watch here:

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Readers may also recall this hilarious transcript of another incident and re-enacted in video by The New York Times, surrounding the definition of a photocopier.

Thanks Morty.

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Gavin Sheridan

Founder/CEO @Vizlegal | FOI, journalism, law, data | Former Innovation Dir @Storyful | Dublin, Ireland