Visualize data from Jira

Oleg Seriaga
Published in
4 min readJun 24, 2019

We added the ability to create charts from Jira.

Jira app can be found in apps catalog. Click New Report and select Jira

Please find a description of how to use it below.

  1. Create an account for Jira app

We need to have some credentials to retrieve the data from Jira. Provide your Jira cloud instance address, email. Generate, copy and paste Jira token for Vizydrop. Click connect after providing authentication fields.

2. Create a chart from the predefined template.

Predefined templates are displayed after account creation.

The following predefined templates are available:

People Overview. Shows issues by status and issue type over assignments.

Issues creation dynamic. Shows how issues were created over time.

Issues Overview. Shows issues by status and type over projects.

Days in status over assignees. Shows how much days issues spent in every status in average by assignees.

Time report by issue. Shows time tracking stats by the issue in this month.

Cumulative Flow. The area graph that depicts the number of issues in a given state, showing arrivals, time in queue, quantity in the queue, and departure within a particular time interval.

Duration Average. Shows how long took in total to move issues from one status to another in average.

Time spent by the project (last 90 days). Shows how much time spent by project daily.

Time spent by a person in the previous month. Shows how much time spent by each person in the previous month.

Check out the demo with Cumulative Flow Template and source configuration below.

3. Create a chart or tabular report from scratch

Sometimes there is a need to build custom visualizations for Jira data. It is possible with creating a chart from scratch or by modifying charts created from the template. Let me explain the sources we have implemented in Jira App before proceeding with creating the report from scratch.

There are three source types available in Jira for now.

Entities Source.

Can be used to visualize Jira entities. Contains almost all issue fields including custom.

Entities Source Configuration

Status Transitions Source.

Data source based on Jira’s changelog. Can be used to visualize issue transitions count and time between statuses. Cumulative flow can be created using this source. The source consists of status transitions (changes) fields and all issue fields. Find the description of these special transition fields included in every data row below

Transition Date: Date when the status change of the issue happened

Transition Valid To: Date when the issue moved to next status

Transition Status: Status name the issue belongs to as a transition result

Transition Next Status: Status name the issue belongs to after transition status

Transition Previous Status: Status name the issue belongs to before transition status

Transition Author: The person who made a status change

Status Transitions Source Configuration

Time Records (Worklog) Source.

Data source based on Jira’s worklog. Can be used to visualize time spent by persons. The source consists of time records fields and all issue fields. Find the description of time records fields included in every data row below

Time Spent Seconds: How much time logged for time record

Time Record Date: Date of time record

Time Record Description: Description of time record

Time Record Author: The person logged the time

Time Records Source Configuration

Let’s create a punch card with an average duration spent by issues in every status by the project. Please find the chart configuration below:

Chart Type: Scatterplot
X: [Transition Status]
Y: [Project]
Size: AVG([Transition Duration (hours)])

Please let us know about your questions or comments.

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