A new chapter for Vizzuality: David takes the position of CEO as Craig departs to lead Land & Carbon Lab.

Vizzuality Blog
Published in
6 min readDec 22, 2023

After almost ten years as Vizzuality CEO, Craig Mills will, in January, depart to take a position as director of the Land & Carbon Lab, an initiative led by WRI and funded by Bezos Earth Fund that aims to provide real-time information on land use changes and embedded carbon flux for the entire world.

Craig will lead the efforts to build and deploy comprehensive global land monitoring solutions that will create unprecedented transparency about what is happening to the world’s land, anywhere on the planet, at any time.

“I speak on behalf of all of us when I express our utmost gratitude to Craig Mills, our departing CEO and friend, for his commitment and for the immense value he has added to our company over the last nine years — from joining us as a small team and supporting it and our mission to evolve into what it is now — and I’m delighted that he will dedicate his leadership and energy to the success of the Land & Carbon Lab at World Resources Institute, one of our most valued partners, as we work towards our shared goals.”

~ David Gonzalez

At a time when ambitious and collaborative action is more urgent than ever, we find hope in organizations like WRI, backed by the finance and leadership needed for lasting change. We wholeheartedly support Craig’s leadership in his next venture.

Next steps for Vizzuality leadership.

We are delighted that our co-founder, David González, will be taking on the role of CEO at Vizzuality, marking a new and exciting chapter in our journey.

I’m feeling energised and excited to continue working with David, my business partner of over 15 years, and our team of leaders. Together, we are in a fantastic position to enter the next Era of Vizzuality –and Landgriffon– and continue improving our world!

~ Sergio Estella

We look forward to this next chapter with David, Sergio Estella, Maria Ricart Ballara, Francis Gassert, Susana Romao, Miguel Mendoza, Clara Linos, Sebastian Bueno and the entire Vizzuality team. We will continue to put all of our expertise, creativity and knowledge at the service of organisations and initiatives that, like us, aim to impact society, nature and our shared planet positively.

“Craig’s leadership really set the stage for a vibrant, creative hub at Vizzuality. We’re excited to keep that energy alive, having a blast as we build platforms that make a difference for people and the planet. I’m a deep believer in the collective wisdom and creativity of our entire team, and how it has already and will continue to bring fresh, innovative ideas to the table.”

~ Susana Romao

A decade of impact: reflecting on our achievements.

Under Craig’s guidance and together with the entire team, Vizzuality’s size has nearly doubled, building a diverse, impact-driven team of talented people who work together for the success of our mission-aligned partners and clients and becoming a reference for design, technology and science to create positive change.

“Craig has been an inspiring leader and mentor for the BD team, serving as an example of how working with passion and commitment for impact can lead to a meaningful and positive contribution to our shared purpose of achieving a better future.”

~ Maria Ricart

We have contributed to the success of some of the world’s most impactful partnerships and initiatives, widening the breadth of our reach from the soils and oceans, through forests and crops, and all the way down to commodity supply chains, sustainable tourism, energy management and food waste, helping address critical environmental and social issues with solutions in monitoring, risk assessment, transparency, policy, advocacy, business, finance, restoration and planning.

Moving forward.

As we bid farewell to Craig and welcome David, our commitment to our mission remains unwavering. We will continue to put all of our expertise, creativity and knowledge at the service of organisations and initiatives that, like us, aim to create a beneficial impact on society and the environment. We empower our clients and partners to make social and environmental change, engaging the corporate sector in more sustainable practices.

We will expand our capabilities, hone our skills, broaden our reach, strengthen our network and persevere in our efforts to help achieve systemic changes for a better future in policy, business and society through openness and collaboration, and remain committed to maturing as a company that grows ethically and sustainably, values diversity and well-being, and seeks to improve the world around us in everything we do.

Our journey continues, and we remain dedicated to our purpose: leading sustainability through digital transformation.

The team at Vizzcamp, 2022.

A Letter from Craig.

The Spirit of Contribution.

Too often, we seek attribution as if it’s the secret ingredient to success. We glorify the lone hero, the groundbreaking organisation, the solitary architect of greatness. I have learned to believe differently. My admiration lies not in attribution, but in contribution. As I prepare to leave Vizzuality, I find myself veering away from the customary personal achievements list. Mostly because, the great things we have achieved in the last 9+ years are not my doing.

I wasn’t the one who wrote a single line of code for Global Forest Watch.

I didn’t design Half-Earth.

The concept of LandGriffon wasn’t mine.

I wasn’t behind the prioritisation of features for MARXAN.

I didn’t form the support group for our staff during COVID.

The organisation of Vizzcamps and Winter gatherings? That wasn’t me.

Raising my children wasn’t a solo effort,

Nor was I the only one walking my dog.

I certainly didn’t score the winning goal in last year’s U15 football tournament — I stood on the sidelines.

And the decision to make me CEO, which on paper seemed illogical, wasn’t mine alone.

My role was simply to assist, just as thousands of others did. This isn’t false modesty; it’s the reality of life and work. I’m lucky to have spent the past decade with people who understand this. In our collective effort to combat climate change, biodiversity loss, and global inequity, adopting a contribution mindset is essential.

Embracing this mindset means sharing openly, without envy, and allowing others to build on our ideas. It’s about feeling genuine joy when someone else achieves greatness from something we started, without needing credit. It’s accepting that it’s okay if another organisation wins the grant, if another research team finds the solution first, or if colleagues join different groups fighting the same fight. This understanding is also my rationale for departing Vizzuality at year’s end.

On January 9th, I embark on a new journey as Director of the Land and Carbon Lab at the World Resource Institute. David González our remarkable co-founder, will step in as Vizzuality’s new CEO. David, Sergio Estella and the team have skillfully supported our company for many years, and I have no doubt this will continue. With our new leadership team in place, the company is in amazing hands. Maria Ricart Ballara Francis Gassert Susana Romao Miguel Clara Linos Sebastian Bueno are ready.

Our commitment to openness and self-management remains crucial — we need Vizzuality in our world. And I eagerly anticipate the new directions Vizzuality will explore.

I carry immense gratitude for the hundreds of individuals in the Vizz crew, with a special nod to David and Sergio. Joining their band was a privilege. Their patience as I learned the Vizzuality way is something I deeply appreciate. Also, a heartfelt thanks to Javier de la Torre for nudging me to connect with them in the beginning.

More to come.


This post was originally shared by Craig on LinkedIn

Craig and Maria at Vizzcamp, 2022.



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